Loosening the Lies of LOVE … Lie #04 (12/27/12)

Lie #04: We have been told that, “Love is who you can see yourself with for the rest of your life” &/or that, “Love is – for the rest of your life – who you cannot see yourself without” …

… and yet in Truth: LOVE is who you See while you are Loving.

LOVE is more often a stranger than a Soulmate, and far more frequently an enemy than an ally. Whether co-worker or confidant, friend or foe, best buddy or homeless “bum”, LOVE is not what we feel for those others, but rather what choose to DO for them.

“At the end of life we will not judge ourselves by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. No, when all has been said and done, we will be measured by ‘They were hungry, and you gave them something to eat, they were naked and you clothed them. They were homeless, and you took them in.’ Yet hungry not for bread – but hungry for Love; naked not only for clothing – but naked of dignity and respect; homeless not only for want of shelter – but homeless because of callousness and rejection.” ~ inspired by Mother Teresa

