John 13:17 … Love’s never-ending Mountain (01/28/14)

No matter how high we climb — no matter how much we learn or how much we achieve or how great we feel or even how much we serve, the Mountain of Life extends ever-upward.

For there is always more to learn, and there is always more to attain and there is always more to experience — and there is always more to Give.

Yes, even when you are certain that you’ve reached the Pinnacle — even when you are positive that there is nothing more to know or have or do, there’s always another step to take …

And especially when you think you’ve given everything you have to give — as long as you are still breathing, there is still so much more for you to offer.

Of course, knowing at least a taste of real Happiness does not demand that we give away everything. Indeed, it is NOT necessary for us to sacrifice our entire lives to feel “fantastic” or consider ourselves “worthy”, nor must we give “absolutely” or “perfectly” to take a few steps into a state of real Bliss — the “Kingdom of Heaven” of which Jesus speaks.

No, to sacrifice our very lives for another is not an obligation or a requirement or a commandment at all; rather, it is a privilege – a profound honor bestowed on only the very few.

No, my Friends, to truly live a life of pure Joy & deep Contentment, we need not sacrifice everything at all. And yet, sacrifice we must.

Be it our priceless time or a prized possession or our heartfelt forgiveness or our sincere affection, to enter the PEACE known to Jesus as “Heaven”, we must simply sacrifice — willingly & joyfully — whatever is readily on hand to give.

And what JOY in that giving! … What Peace in that sacrifice!

What a blessing it is that this Mountain knows no end!

“The Kingdom of Heaven will not coming with things that can be observed. For look, the Kingdom of Heaven is already both within and all around you … And because of the increase of lawlessness, the Love of many will grow cold. And yet the one who perseveres with Love to the end will be saved … If you understand these teachings, blessed are you while you enliven them.” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 17:20-21 + Matthew 24:12-13 + John 13:17)

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