1 Peter 2:15 … the Will of God (12/17/13)

“For such is the Will of God that by doing right you may calm the ignorance of the unwise.” ~ unknown (1 Peter 2:15)

Quite simply, our Work in this lifetime is to actualize the Will of God … a perfect LOVE that will not come into being unless WE choose to make it so.

Indeed, no matter what we happen to call our own personal deity — God or Allah or Buddha or Rama or Chi, or even “quantum oneness” — it remains true that every day each & every one of us CAN change the world in small-yet-potent ways; ways that help to re-manifest the Divine Foundation of Universal Harmony; ways that bring into being the Will of God.

And when we do choose to make our current moment a platform for broadcasting an unconditional regard for others that is as courageous as it is humble, then the Will of God is always the result — a Will that is filled with Power & Beauty; a Will that soars to the greatest heights of the celestial, and then returns to flood every corner of our being and pierce every facet of our reality.

It is a Will that knows only Kindness … and as such, it is a Will that always brings Peace:

It creates Peace between once-bickering communities;
It creates Peace between once-timid strangers;
It creates Peace between once-hateful enemies,
It creates Peace between once-callous partners, and
it even creates Peace between other species once-scorned.

Indeed, my Friends, our Work in this lifetime is to actualize the Will of God … a Will which is nothing more or less than LOVE.

“The best way to know God
is to Love many things.”
~ Vincent van Gogh

(post inspired by Kim Stanley Robinson)

00 12:17a GOD Is LOVE

00 12:17b on-his-step

00 12:17c gods-love

00 12:17d deluded by labels

00 12:17e Christians and the homeless

00 12:17f