You are Somebody … 11/13/13

“Becoming aware of the intense suffering of billions of animals and of our own participation in that suffering can bring up painful emotions: sorrow and grief for the animals; anger at the injustice and deception of the system; despair at the enormity of the problem; fear that trusted authorities and institutions are, in fact, untrustworthy; and guilt for having contributed to the problem.” ~ Melanie Joy

I admit that it is more than a bit uncomfortable to bear witness to the suffering that our daily choices encourage.

I admit that it is so much easier to simply look away in indifference and pretend that the cruelty we endorse really isn’t that bad — that the animals in zoos & circuses & aquariums don’t really suffer that much in their prisons — that our eating meat &/or ingesting dairy products &/or wearing fur or leather don’t contribute THAT much to the world’s overall pain & suffering.

And I admit that the problem is indeed more than formidable; that it does indeed seem as though we can’t do anything to make a difference … so why bother at all, right?


You might not be able to cure the cultural cancer that is animal cruelty by yourself, and yet YOU CAN DO YOUR PART to support an incredibly important social movement that is steadily gaining headway all over the world — the movement calling for us to stop seeing animals as mere things, and to start Seeing them for what they truly are: awake & caring & conscious beings.

Let’s face it, if our species is going to make it — if we are going to finally take our next evolutionary step towards becoming the Caring Stewards of the Earth that we have been called to be; indeed, if we are going to avoid our own extinction (which the meat & dairy & fish & fur industries are pushing us towards with each passing moment), then a lot more of us are going to have to START BEING THE CHANGE we want to see.

So, for those of you interested in joining the fight to save Humanity — both our legacy for future generations as well as our lives in this one, here are three easy yet Power-full ways to become such a Power-full Person:

1) Support “Mercy for Animals” … In my personal experience, 99.9% of humanity is against animal cruelty.  As such, all that is standing between our species and our awakening is awareness — something M.F.A. does a fantastic job of furthering …

After all, we won’t ever have Peace with each other until we can be Peace-full with all other sentient beings — (

2) Become an A.L.F. activist … For over twnety years, this organization has been walking its talk like few others, and their website is loaded with first-rate information on the many ways we can each engage to take a more active part in the ongoing war against animal cruelty.  So if you would like to add instant Meaning & Purpose to your lives — and thereby experience an instant increase in your overall sense of Well-Being & Contentment, consider joining the growing ranks of the A.L.F. (or, if like me it is is not quite time to fully do so, consider supporting them in other ways) …

After all, we won’t ever be truly Free ourselves until we can Free all other sentient beings — (

3) GO VEGAN! … Not only will you save dozens of sentient lives every month, you will also be doing your potent part to preserve our dwindling global fresh water supply, preserve our dwindling rainforests, and preserve the dwindling life in our oceans …

After all, we won’t ever know real Respect for each other until we can show real Respect for all other sentient beings — (

It is so very True, my Friends:
There is no way to Love … LOVE is The Way.
And please remember: LOVE IS A VERB!

Thank you.

“I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. And then I realized … I am somebody.” ~ Lily Tomlin

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