on staying Focused … 11/14/13

“Every day, I am reminded by a few dear Friends to stay focused; to encourage myself to Care for others; to allow them to encourage me to keep serving humanity, and to listen to them when they do so. Their encouragement is priceless to me. In all my times of down & darkness, theirs is the spark that relights my Heart’s flame.

And as such, in honor of their unconditional support and perfect Love for me, I offer the same to you with the following reminder:

You will have many critics in your life; many who will go out of their Way to tell you all the reasons you cannot live your life the way you have been Called to live it –- that you can’t afford it, that you won’t have enough money when you are older, that it’s too dangerous or too irresponsible or too crazy, that you are not talented enough, not good enough, not tough enough, not beautiful enough, not smart enough, or not brave enough.

Avoid listening to them!

Even when they come and whisper their warnings in your ear; even when they try and keep you small & trembling; even when they eloquently persuade you to simply “tow the line” or “behave” or “be normal” or to just do what you are told, stay focused on the fact that this is YOUR life; that it is you & you alone who call the shots as to how you will live and for whom.

Take your life in hand and make it your own again. Find your Work –- the gift in each moment that only you can give — and have the guts to enliven it, no matter what “they” might say.

Be able to look in the mirror each morning and see the Truth of You, and be able to look in the mirror every night and give thanks for having lived another day filled with Meaning.

Rest assured that your enemies will keep coming at you.  Indeed, the jerks & the pudwhackers & the naysayers & the goat-feather sellers & the small-minded people in your life will keep flocking to you; that they will keep trying to bring you back into their lazy herd of comfort & ease & superficiality & judgment. Have compassion for them when they do … AND firmly refuse to let them wear you down. There might indeed be millions of them who show up on your doorstep looking to distract you from living your life, and yet even banded together they are not as strong as your one, shining Soul.

So stay focused on who you truly Are instead …
Stay focused on LOVE.”

(inspired by unknown)

00 11:14a remake your end

00 11:14b Purpose is to Serve

00 11:14c Be-yourself-9

00 11:14d LOVE already lives within

00 11:14e burst OPEn