war is … absolutely nothing (08/31/13)

”Those who assert that evil means can lead to good ends are deceiving themselves.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Let’s face it, the American government is at some point going to make the same mistake that it made in Iraq. It is going to make that mistake in Syria … or in Iran … or in North Korea … or anywhere else where profit is waiting to be made from war.  And we have to face another Truth as well:  at least on the political level, there is little we can do to stop it.

And yet we are not completely helpless — there IS another method we can employ that can stop the madness; a method that has worked in the past and a method that will work today.

It’s called peaceful protest … It’s called civil disobedience … It could even be called a  rebellion — albeit one that is as gentle as it is firm & uncompromising.

It is an empirical fact that when even a few of us wake up to the evil madness at or door and start actively (and peacefully) protesting against it, our “government” will eventually be forced to either change their policies — or perish fighting us.

WE have the power, my Friends, but we only have Power when we band together to stand for what is Right. And what is Right is known to us all —

What is Right is Peace …
What is Right is Compassion …
What is Right is Generosity.

And war is none of these things … War, indeed, is their very opposite.  War is not Right — ever … War is bloody and war is destructive and war is completely ineffective. In essence, war is pure evil. It always has been, and it always will be.

There is no animal in the world — we human animals included — that will repeatedly bite the hand that feeds it. It is a fundamental psychological & sociological Truth that Kindness breeds Kindness, and that violence only breeds more violence. If we were ever to have the humility & the courage to drop flowers & food on our enemies instead of munitions & missiles, thousands of innocent women & children would not have to die and dozens of beautiful countries would not have to be destroyed. All the “leaders” of the world are well aware of this fact, and yet these “leaders” need war to remain wealthy & powerful. And so they do whatever they can to keep you from remembering this fact — everything they can to keep you angry & afraid, and therefore weak & pliable.

Rest assured, it is not enough for you to merely be aware of this Truth and then sigh knowingly in disgust as the madness begins again. It is not enough to complain about it or listen to talk radio shows as they analyze it or even teach your kids about its inherent wrongness.

No, for evil to succeed it only needs good men & women to do nothing to stop it. In this sense, your complacency is just as evil as others’ complicity. Indeed, your inaction is actually exactly what your “government” wants … It wants you to feel hopeless. It wants you to feel powerless. It wants you to do nothing. It wants you to shrug your shoulders and look the other way.

And yet timid indifference is NOT the proper response to evil. Instead, when evil raises its ugly head, it is necessary for Good people to rise up and respond. When “leaders” perpetrate crimes against humanity and violate the sanctity of human solidarity, it is not for us to criticize them behind closed doors in a whisper — No! When evil raises its ugly head, it is time for Good men & women everywhere to leave their homes, to raise their voices and to courageously stand in evil’s way.

My dear friends, America was founded on the principles of Goodness & Freedom … America was founded on the principle of Liberty & Justice for ALL. And let us not forget, America was founded by a massive act of civil disobedience. As such, it is now time for all Americans to remember these Truths … and it is NOW the time for all Americans to start acting accordingly.

The fact of the matter is: the United States “government” is preparing to instigate yet another unjust war … and the fact of the matter is: it is up to YOU & yours to stop it.

Amen … Let it be so.

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.