got Clarity? … (07/28/13)

A real & objective Clarity — a deep-seated Awareness of what is actually happening in our lives — can only come to us when we have the humility to admit that we might be wrong about how we are viewing our world; that we might be wrong about the nature of our government & about the worth of our jobs … that we might be wrong about the correctness of our church & about the nature of our God … that we might be wrong about the benefits of our friendships & about the evil in our enemies.

For, more often than not, it is the case that the one is actually the other; that the pressures & demands of our jobs rule our everyday lives more than do our patently disinterested & flagrantly self-serving politicians … that the dogmatic proclamations of our churches have pushed away God from our hearts and erected their own thrones in His place … that our friends are our greatest enemies; keeping us complacent in relationships cowardly and stagnated in beliefs outdated … and that our enemies are actually our greatest Friends; showing us where our own Love is still lacking, and giving us the opportunity to powerfully awaken our courageously caring Selves.

In essence, real Happiness can only come into our lives in the moments we choose to enliven what is most kind & most humane within us, and this bold Revolution of Self can only take place after we set aside our indoctrinated delusions of fear & want — after we dismiss the myths we have been sold and replace them with an uncompromising acceptance of what truly is happening both within and all around us.

Despite the continued efforts of our governments and our preachers and our bosses and even our own families, Reality is no longer hidden from our of view … Clarity has finally emerged from the cage of propaganda that is now too brittle to hold it in. Truth has stepped forth from the shadows of the fears now too irrational to hold us back.

*We now know that our political leaders have succumbed to self-centered greed & dishonesty; that they have succumbed to a system of deceit & manipulation; that we are free to change our own lives without their help or permission; and that WE must now be the change we wish to see.

*We now know that our religious leaders have long been selling us false doctrines of discrimination, rejection, fear & hatred; that the only God worth worshiping is a God of LOVE; that this God is alive & well within every one if us; and that it is up to us to leave the cozy confines of our churches, go forth into our communities, and worship with mouths closed and with Hearts open.

*And we now know that there is no such thing as an “enemy”; that our criticism, condemnation & punishment of others only allow their hatred & ignorance & violence to grow stronger; that ALL sentient beings are literally members of one singe Family; and that it is time for us start acting accordingly.

My Friends, the facts of this new Living are standing naked before us, waiting only for us to draw them gently in and cloak them with our lives. All that remains is for us to turn towards them and open our eyes by opening our Hearts.

LOVE is The Way, LOVE is available and LOVE needs our awakening.

So … got Clarity?