Freedom #07: the Right to PRAY … (07/09/13)

RIGHT #07: the Right to PRAY with Power

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” ~ S. Kierkegaard

“It is better in prayer to have a Heart without words than words without a Heart.” ~ M. Gandhi

For most of the world’s citizens, prayer is an integral part of life; thought to be a purely internal endeavor, an mental dialogue with an external Force we like to call “God” (or Allah or Buddha or chi or prana or cosmic consciousness or quantum interconnection).

And as such, it is already clear to most that prayer is one of our innate Rights that cannot ever be taken from us by external force or outer circumstance. Even in the darkest dungeon in our darkest hour, we can all always find the strength to go within and find Light in prayer.

AND YET this is NOT the Prayer of which I speak today. While the Right to mentally pray does indeed exist and indeed can never be taken from us, truly powerful Prayer is a Freedom that far exceeds language-bound words or tradition-bound rituals. No, my Friends, as sentient beings you have indeed been graced with the innate ability to Pray, and yet this Blessing is far more extensive and far more potent than you have been led to believe.

To understand what I mean, I offer the following brief expose on what real PRAYER is not, and thereby what it is … enJOY.

The WHERE & the WHEN

*Prayer is not entering temples or shrines to find God. Prayer is going into your communities to allow yourself to be found by God in the needs of others …

*Prayer is not speaking with the Divine at designated times on special days. Prayer is consciously reconnecting with God in every waking breath and every living deed …

*Prayer is not calling to God during times of calm & comfort. Prayer is remembering the Presence of God (our energetic interconnection with everything around us) in every moment of trial & turmoil …


*Prayer is not asking for clarity. Prayer is rather being openly grateful for the lack of clarity in our lives; sincerely thankful for the patent inability of our senses to objectively perceive Reality — an inability that gives power to all our Faith-full leaps of Loving anyway …

*Prayer is not asking for guidance or assistance in finding the life-path that is best for ourselves. Prayer is rather being openly grateful for our ability to be Kind when least inclined; for in this manner being allowed to be a Guide for others; a Guide leading them back to perfect LOVE …

*Prayer is not asking that others be healed. Prayer is rather having Faith that Goodness rests within every illness & every injury. And Prayer is bringing that seed to blossom by finding the courage to go forth and gently Care for those who suffer …

*Prayer is not asking the Divine for gifts of power or abundance or success for ourselves. Prayer is rather asking God to be used to bring others the true Wealth of Peace & Joy …

*Prayer is not thanking God for personal victories. Prayer is rather wishing for the Grace of Peace to fall gently upon the hearts and shoulders of our enemies …

*Prayer is not arrogantly yearning that the “lost” be saved. Prayer is rather asking for the courage to go forth and do what we can to silently & humbly serve those having religious beliefs different from our own …


*Prayer is not hollow litanies or intoned chants voiced aloud while surrounded by fellow “believers”. Prayer is rather a spontaneous eruption of emotion when we are alone in the wildernesses of life; an overwhelming sense of wonderment at being given the gift of a conscious life at all — an overwhelming sense of gratitude at being given the ability to make a difference in the lives of others …

*Prayer is not a serious or weeping affair. Prayer is rather a joyous celebration of the invincibility of Love; a jubilant reveling in the fact that we are able to humbly assist in that ultimate triumph …

*Prayer is not an expression of “faith” in one’s personal interpretations of sacred scripture or one’s unique beliefs about “the Will of God”. Prayer is rather an encompassing reverence for the majesty of the One; an overwhelming humility that far exceeds our own imperfect conceptions of Love & Justice & what is “best” or “better” …

*Prayer is not bringing the poor to the church. Prayer is rather bringing the perfect Love that preceded the church to the poor.

In essence, prayer is not the freedom OF religion… Prayer is our freedom FROM religion. Prayer that is pure & real transcends all that we have been taught about being devout & most of we have learned about worshiping God.

It is much more emotional than mental, much more active than verbal, and much more humble than certain.

It is a silent, emotional reunion with the Divine that far exceeds anything demanded by any church or written in any sacred scripture.

It is a personal Oneness with Spirit that exists as much in meadows as it does in monasteries.

And it is an awakening of the Soul’s perfect LOVE within our Hearts that then gently compels us to enliven that LOVE in our homes and in our communities … with those named “stranger” & “enemy” as much as with those we call “family” & “friend”.


“Rebellion to any form of tyranny is obedience to the single formlessness of God.” ~ inspired by Thomas Jefferson

“If you want to pray in a way that God understands, you must pray with open arms and moving feet.” ~ inspired by a Quaker saying