Becoming the Change … (06/30/13)

“The world stands at a turning point. We simply cannot go on as if our old ways can continue to sustain us. If we are to have a future, then we can no longer be dependent on products that result from exploitation, suffering and environmental devastation.” ~ inspired by Angel Flinn

We all know that it’s time to start changing the wasteful ways we are currently living, and yet the task seems overly daunting and many of us don’t know where to start. In that vein, here are a few simple ways that you can start doing your small-yet-significant part to save our world; a few practical ways that you can start to BE the change we all need to See:

1. Refuse, reduce, reuse &/or recycle all plastics (preferably in that order).

2. Use your own cloth bags whenever you go grocery shopping.

3. SAVE WATER! Take short showers (or shower together), turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, hand wash your dishes (and don’t leave the tap running while you do so), only water your lawn mornings or evenings (or replace your grass lawn with a maintenance-free groundcover), collect rainwater for your garden &/or houseplants, etc.

4. Only buy produce that is local & organic.

5. Plant a food garden (and share with your neighbors)..

6. Bike to work … or car-pool … or use public transportation.

7. Avoid all fast foods.

8. Only wash clothes a full load at a time, and use a clothesline to dry your clothes when they are done.

9. GO VEGAN (if not fully, then for at least two days a week).

In essence, it’s not too late for us … We need not sink into an existence ruled by pain & despair — we need not suffer the fate of so many other species that have already gone extinct. If we all do our part, WE CAN turn this ship around and one day arrive at the harbor of our salvation.

Life is our mightiest of possessions, my Friends. And preserving it is no longer a matter of a little mending & a little alteration – a little cleansing & a little purifying – a little painting & a little patching – a little whitewashing & a little varnishing – a little turning over a new leaf & a little putting on a new coat of “caring” and wishing things were different.

No, what is needed is the enlivening of something altogether new; the planting within us of a new nature, a new way of Being. We need to reawaken our innate core of selfless solidarity … We need to reawaken our deepest mindset — the mindset of community, the mindset of courageous intimacy, the mindset of open Caring, the mindset of Love.

This alone, and nothing less than this, will meet the deeper needs of our Souls. Only this will save our species, and only this will bring us the Happiness & Contentment we seek.

In conclusion, we need not merely a new skin made of feeble wishes & hollow intentions …

We need awakened Heart, and we need those awakened Hearts in ACTION.

There is a core minority of folks already out there on the front lines fighting this most important of battles, and they desperately need our help.

Let’s start helping them, and let’s start doing so today …

Thank you.

(~ inspired by J.C. Ryle)