How can I best help another? … (07/14/08)

The only person’s life you can ever truly improve is your own.

Striving to change others is destined for failure, while choosing to lovingly shift your own responses to their behaviors is destined to bring Peace … You cannot help others to help themselves without radically loving him, and judging their ‘improvement’ or ‘progress’ in any way (even if well-intended) is not LOVE!

Others’ paths are perfect as they already Are. Choosing to believe this and then acting accordingly (with radical, unconditional kindness) is the only way to effectively assist another’s Journey towards the Light of Self re-Awakening.

In essence, focus on living your own Life in Peace & Happiness as opposed to judging another’s lack thereof.  The most powerful form of help is not us telling others what they should do (or even silently wishing that they would change), but rather simply caring for them while living a life of Joy & Peace — thereby humbly showing them the Way to Happiness.

True Love never wishes for another to change; but only cheers them on as they walk their own unique Way to their own inevitable state of glorious Happiness (in their own time and in their own way).  Yes, we love others and desire to see them at Peace & Happy, and yet we also choose to Love them enough to respect their choices with regards to how they Journey to that place of Joy.

Indeed, it is because this challenge is so difficult (i.e. painful and frustrating), that our unconditional Acceptance will prove to be that much more powerful when we do finally choose to give it.