100 Answers … Answer #100 (02/28/13)


Answer #100: YES!

On the days when you are down & out; when life is hard and you feel alone and tired and empty of all hope; when your ego is doing everything it can to get you to quit — everything it can to get you to say No … say YES anyway!

In those times when you are deathly afraid; when the odds are beyond long and the dangers appear great; when your ego is doing everything it can to get you to not make the leap — everything it can to get you to say No … say YES anyway!

And during those moments of reasonable annoyance & rage; when your enemies are attacking you mercilessly and have camped just outside your door; when your ego is doing everything it can to keep you from doing the one thing that will bring you & yours Peace — everything it can to keep you from reaching out to those who are being hurtful and hateful — everything it can to get you to say No … say YES anyway!