waking up to murder … (05/12/13)

“I for my part do much marvel at what sort of feeling, soul or reason the first man with his mouth touched slaughter, and reached to his lips the flesh of a dead animal, and having set before people courses of ghastly corpses and ghosts, could give those parts the names of meat and victuals that but a little before had lowed, and cried, and moved, and saw …” ~ Plutarch

To be honest, I really don’t care how good it tastes, and I don’t even care if it does lead to “better health” (which, of course, it doesn’t). The inescapable reality of the matter is the following:

Meat is Murder — plain & simple.

We may rationalize its brutality or turn a callous eye from its cruelty, and yet brutal & cruel it remains.

Of course, even if you still eat meat; even if you are still engaged in its brutality & its cruelty,; even if you — directly or indirectly — participate in murder, there is another set of Truths that bears witnessing:

You are NOT innately brutal … You are Kind.

Your are NOT innately cruel … You are Caring.

& You are NOT innately a murderer …
You are a Human(e) Being.

Consider this with compassion …
and then enliven that empathy with Courage.

Thank you.