Pigs in a Blanket … (04/24/13)

I have been informed that today is national “Pigs in a Blanket Day” in the U.S. & Canada.

Fair enough …

I realize that I can’t stop any of you from eating pig flesh.  Each one of us must decide for ourselves whether we are going to be agents of Life (in all the moments when we are serving our communities, forgiving our trespassers, giving to the poor, etc) or whether we are going to be agents of death (during all the meals in which we choose to consume animals).

And please rest assured that — while I will send immense Compassion both to you as well as all the animals that you kill, I personally will NOT condemn any of you for eating meat of any kind.

That having been said, it can be of great assistance to the Waking UP process to remember just what it is we are eating.  Meat looks so harmless when we buy it in our stores — all cold and lifeless and wrapped in shiny plastic. It’s easy to forget that every slab of chicken, pork, fish or beef was once a warm, feeling, living being — a being that has been ruthlessly slaughtered merely because we happen to think it tastes good when skinned & cooked & seasoned.

It’s so easy to look away from this fact — so easy to forget that there are life&death consequences for the choices we make in every meal we eat.

Maybe these pictures will be a useful re-minder …

That, at least, is my intention.

So “bon apetit”, my friends — with MUCH more emphasis on your “bon” (Goodness) than on your “apetit”!