Romans 12:2 … knowing the Will of GOD (03/09/13)

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the real will of God—what is good and what is acceptable and what is perfect.” ~ Romans 12:2

A dear Friend recently commented on the nature of humanity’s relationship to God, essentially equating it with the typical interplay between an employer and his employees — essentially that we are to do what we are told if we expect to get paid.

I then offered an alternative to this analogy — an alternative available to all the believers of every religion — and I did so using my relationship with my own current employer; one where I am not working to “get paid” at all, but rather to be a source of Joy or Solace to everyone at work each day, and to use whatever money I happen to receive from my bosses each month to lessen the burdens of others.

And as I was typing the conclusion to my response, something profound flowed forth that I’d like to share; something that just might bring us all a bit more perspective and a lot more Peace … As I was tidying up my words about jobs & bosses & obligations & money, I found myself writing the following:

“Of course, it’s not about the money [how much you earn or how much you give; how you earn it or how you give it] … It’s about waking up every morning and giving everything you have to give to everyone you encounter for that day — It’s about going to bed overflowing with gratitude to have been given the opportunity to Care for the people who crossed your path in those few waking hours — It’s about professing a desire to be given one more day to LOVE others even more — and it’s about being grateful for the days we have already been given to live, even if tomorrow never comes.”

Amen to that!

Have a wonderful day everyone … May it be a day filled with both the humility to see your lives as gifts to others, and the courage — even if just for one brilliant moment — to act accordingly.