getting to know GOD … (03/17/13)
The beginning of the religious journey is a short one – its first step hopes that there is a higher power, and then its last step dedicates life to worshiping the same. This is “the broad path” mentioned by so many Masters – a way that always ends in the death of living and the stagnation of the Soul; always with us suffering from the delusion that we are the ones ‘saved’ and that all others are damned; realizing too late that we are here to humbly serve those others, and not arrogantly convert them.
The beginning of the Spiritual Journey, on the other hand, flows only one step further, and yet arrives at a completely different destination.
On this path, there is first the realization that there is indeed a higher power – or force, or chi, or “quantum interconnection “, or “Other” …
Then, there is the second step when we to try to attain the “happiness” and “peace” of this “Other” – and inevitably fail.
And finally, after our futile striving for “enlightenment” becomes too exhausting and “inner peace” becomes too frustrating, there is still another alternative available.
Yes, the final step of the Human Journey is in-deed made when we awaken to realize that there is no “Other” at all … that we and the “Other” are already ONE.
(~ inspired by Thomas Keating)