living “The Good Life” … (03/23/13)

“When we have arrived at the question, the answer is already near.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Living without Loving,
… is like speaking to another without hearing what they have to say,

… is like thinking about the Meaning of Life without living life Meaning-fully,

… is like striving for “enlightenment” without actively (and humbly) shining your Light upon life’s pains & poverties,

… is like finding “inner peace” in the present moment without bringing Peace into your relationships,

… is like having faith in a God of Love without treating others with an according gentleness.

In-deed, each one of the aforementioned practices is nothing more than an irreverent wasting of the few & priceless moments we have each been given to DO SOMETHING Purpose-full with our fleeting & fragile lives.

Living “the good life” means nothing without sharing our wealth with others, and living a long life means nothing without living it Care-fully.

In essence, without acts of selfless LOVE, life is nothing more than death on the move.

LOVE is a verb … got LOVE?

“Ninety percent of the game is half mental.” ~ Yogi Bera

“Keep choosing the highest, most loving response to each situation.” ~ Robin Sharma