Love is Freedom – meet me there … (03/04/13)

What is it to Awaken to a life that is true to True Self?
And what does it take to set that Self free?

Our past has conclusively shown us that “bearing our Souls” by hacking away at the icy frost that covers both the wounds of our past & the fears of our ego simply will not achieve anything other than provide us with hearts too chilled to feel and feet too frozen to serve.

No, all that is required to walk out into the Light is to first see the brittle, rusty bars of “healthy boundaries”, “reasonable punishment” and “divine righteousness” that are holding us captive …

… and then simply remember that no cage can ever be built by man or men that can fully smother either our innate desire to serve one another, or the inherent dignity that demands such Love’s brave transference.

No, my Friends, it matters not what is imprisoning you at this moment. Be it fear of government, fear of damnation or fear of rejection, your bars of anxiety are spaced far too far apart to contain the Light of your Soul.

Indeed, there is more than ample room to fly between them and onward into the Great Openness this very moment.

The meadow of courageous Love is truly a radiant kingdom …

Won’t you join me there?