How can stay on my Path? … (09/29/12)

We all “get lost” over the course of our lives — we slip from selfless caring to selfish desire; we wander from humble service to arrogant criticism; we drift away from courageous Love and fall deep into the darkness of fear.

It’s not “bad” that we do so — it is simply the way our fleshly “machines” are programmed.

Fortunately for us all, the meaning to Living is not found in not straying, but rather in repeatedly returning to The Path of Love in those times when we do wander.

And to do so — to find our Great Road once again, all we have to do is pause in any given moment, and help another to find their own way back to their own.

After all, The Way is not a destination to attain, but rather a choice to make.  The Way is not behaving “correctly” — The Way is choosing behaviors that Care for others.  The Way is not finding our own individual path to “personal success”, but rather in remembering that we are all flying through Life together; in remembering that our true Success only comes when we all fly as one.