ACPS #2: rediscovering Generosity (09/08/10)

Class #2 began by answering some questions related to Week 1 materials & concepts (the course introduction), including …

… a review of the “3 Zones of Self” diagram (from handout 3),

… where Peacefulness & Courage fit into “the 9 Noble Virtues”, and

… which (if any) of the Virtues are “most important”.

Thereafter, the rest of the evening looked into the deeper implications of Generosity — both in relation to how we can enliven it, as well as what we can expect once we do so.

The class concluded with a hands-on (& hearts-On) exercise that allowed all those present to experience first-hand how it feels to transcend the conventional definitions of giving and know Giving & Receiving as ONE.

link to live in-class recordings & course handouts for week 2 (Generosity):

Generosity is opening your True Self to others.

Generosity is knowing receiving as the greatest Gift.

Generosity is giving in times of personal lack.