Many Paths — One Mountain … (04/11/15)

“Each and every master, regardless of the era of his teaching or the place of her awakening, heard the Call and attained a perfect harmony with Heaven & Earth. Each and every one of them discovered that, even though there are many paths leading to the top of the Mountain, there is only one summit … and that this summit is pure Love — unadulterated, unconditional & selfless.” ~ inspired by Morihei Ueshiba

Living life solely for our own personal pleasure or even primarily for the benefit of our own friends will has us forever circling the base of this Mountain — which is fine … Yes, this path through the shadows is covered with jagged rocks and loose sands, and yet it too has its fleeting beauties — It too provides glimpses of Peace.Of course, no matter how long we choose to remain there in that valley, we cannot help but glance every now & then up at the Peak — we cannot help but yearn to climb towards the Light.And at some point or another in our lives, evry one of us will indeed leave the low road and make our way upward into the brilliant freshness of that Summit … And as we do so, we discover that there are indeed many trails that lead up the Mountainside.

There is the path of external “self-help” (i.e. releasing our addictions by choosing new behaviors — “eating right”, sleeping well, excercising regulalrly, etc) … We do so in order to “be healthier” or “live longer” or “feel better” for ourselves, and as such, this is a way that winds very slowly towards the top and takes many many years before we even get close.

Then there is the path of internal “self-discipline” (i.e. releasing our addictions by “going within” — via meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, viualization, etc) … We do so to find “inner peace” or “enlightenment” for ourselves, and as such, this is a way that doesn’t quite make it to the top either. It does indeed illuminate the smooth & flowing way to the Summit, and yet it is not a walking way. Even though it allows us to SEE the top — and sometimes even to feel what the Summit offers, we must still someday set forth and actually do the walking to get there.

And finally, there is The Way of joyful self-sacrifice (i.e. letting our addictions go by choosing acts of radical Kindness instead) … And this is the Path that allows the walker to reach the Summit right away …

This is the Path that allows the walker to realize that the Summit has been within each step all along.

“The winds of Grace are always blowing …

Have the courage to open your sails. ” ~ Nipun Mehta