Addiction #05 … Eating Animals (Part 2 — a solution) 05/27/12


Addiction #05 — EATING ANIMALS (Part two – A WAY OUT)

“Then GOD said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground –everything that has the breath of life in it — I give every green plant for food.’” ~ Genesis 1:29-30

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” ~ Albert Einstein


Benefit #01 – You will SLIM DOWN … “The only weight-loss plan that has been scientifically proven to take weight off and keep it off for more than a year is a vegetarian diet … Meat-eaters have three times the obesity rate of vegetarians and nine times the obesity rate of vegans.” ~ Dr. Deborah Wilson

Benefit #02 – You will LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE … According to the American Dietetic Association, vegans and vegetarians are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes or high blood pressure than meat-eaters.

Benefit #03 – You will CARE FOR THE EARTH … Meat production unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of fertile land – land that could be used to produce food for millions of starving humans, or as a home for the billions of wild animals made homeless by feedlot construction. Meat production also causes enormous amounts of toxic materials to be jettisoned into the environment, and is one of the leading causes of global warming.

Benefit #04 – You will CONSUME LESS FEAR … When an animal lives its whole life in confinement, rarely sees sunlight, gets jacked up with hormones and antibiotics, is separated from its mother at birth, watches its relatives and friends die before its own eyes, and lives a life steeped in shock and fear, then it is very likely an animal that is emotionally traumatized. It is important to know that such chronic depression changes the chemical composition of the animal’s blood and alters its DNA for the far worse. Even if it is treated relatively well before its execution, the fear it experiences at that crucial moment of murder soaks into its flesh and is then passed right on to you. Always remember, you really are what you eat …

Benefit #05 – MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will SAVE THE LIVES OF 1000’s OF ANIMALS … Every casual meat-eater that becomes a vegetarian saves hundreds of animal lives every year. It is one of the easiest ways out there to do something powerfully Good & amazingly noble.


TIP #01 – In the beginning, at least, it might be beneficial to FIND ALTERNATIVES that taste like meat … There are some companies that have gotten pretty good at making tofu taste like different types of meat (though in the U.S. there is always the Monsanto problem when it comes to soybeans). Portabello mushrooms also taste remarkably like meat when they are grilled right …

TIP #02 – Much more importantly, REMEMBER WHY you are doing it: for the animals & for your children & for the Earth … To help with your motivation, watch documentaries about meat processing and tainted animals, like “The Beautiful Truth,” “Earthlings,” “Food Matters,” “Food Inc.,” “Forks over Knives,” and “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.”

TIP #03 – ENGAGE the 5 STEPS:

Step 01) Pause and RECOGNIZE your urge to eat meat …

Step 02) REALIZE where this craving comes from (your ego’s fears) …

Step 03) THANK your ego (and its addiction to eating meat) for doing its best to keep you “healthy” and “happy”. Even though it is actually killing you in the process, it is still doing the best it can, so be Kind to it … Treat it gently like the naive child it is.

Step 04) REASSURE your ego that you are not quitting meat-eating forever; only for this one moment … That will help it to relax and allow you to engage the all important —

Step 05) After eating a healthy, non-flesh-based alternative, go forth and BE KIND. Do something – anything active – that is designed to bring another person Peace or Joy. For as long as you do so, you will be completely urge-free, and at least in these moments, you are no longer an addict.

If you can manage to perform these 5 Steps just one time, then all that remains to beat your addiction is for you to simply live on joyfully until the next meat-craving comes, and then engage the same 5 Steps again (& again & again & again).

The more often you do so, the easier it will continue to become to choose your True Self over your ego, your Love over your fears, and your Kindness over your addiction.

Simply remember, there is no such thing as “animal friendly” meat …

… and there is no such thing as “human friendly” meat either.

“I, for my part, wonder what sort of feeling, mind or reason that man was possessed who was first to pollute his mouth with gore, and allow his lips to touch the flesh of a murdered being; who spread his table with the mangled form of dead bodies, and claimed as daily food and dainty dishes what but know were beings endowed with movement, with perception and with voice.” ~ Plutarch