Today is The Day … (08/08/12)

“I used to be indecisive; now I’m not so sure.” ~ W. C. Fields

Sometimes we get to choose to rise up our of our sloth to serve others; to rise up out of our daily humdrum routine to do something wonderful; to take the hand that is putting food into our own mouth and use it to reach out to those in greater need …

We get to make this choice most of the time, actually.

And yet, as we begin to awaken to a few facts, we will begin to realize that these two options (take care of ourselves vs. Care for others) are starting to meld into one.

One day, we will wake up to the fact that our societies are patently unjust and that our politicians will NOT ever work to solve our lives’ biggest challenges …

One day, we will wake up to the fact that we are collectively damaging our Earth to the point that She will soon respond in cataclysmic fashion — and that our ” world leaders” are actually personally invested in seeing such a tragedy take place …

One day, we will wake up to the fact that punishing criminals and killing off enemies is completely counterproductive, and yet that “those in charge” see this evil option as the only way — a way that makes sure that “criminals” will to continue to steal and that ensures that “enemies” will to continue to hate …

One day, we will wake up to the fact that, unless we start actively Caring for each other, our species will simply not survive.

Well, GOOD MORNING — Today is that day!

It has come finally come to the point of no return, the point where when we get to accept the fact that we only have one choice left: either we will transcend our selfishness & our cowardice, or we will perish.

We’ve been “parked” in apathy and hollow excuses long enough — far too long, actually. Without the help of our governments, WE CAN feed the hungry and house the homeless. Without the support of our “leaders”, WE CAN clean up our neighborhoods, consume half of what we currently “need”, and recycle the rest. And without the law telling us to do so, WE CAN forgive those who trespass against us — and we can do so with acts of Kindness more than mumbled words.

It’s not too late, my Friends.

We still have the power to change things, and change them powerfully.

We still have the ability to choose … It’s just that courageously Caring is now the only Good Choice that remains.

LOVE chooses to Care,
and LOVE knows that Caring has to be active for it to BE …

… got LOVE?

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” ~ Seneca

“The only true Happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.” ~ William Cowper

“It is only when we truly understand that we have a limited time on earth – and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.” ~ Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross