Waking UP to Living … (08/03/12)

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive — and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

He saw her sadness, looked away, and walked past …

He stopped, turned back to her, and offered to help.

She looked down, embarrassed — possibly humiliated, and refused.As she stood there, with her bedraggled clothes, bare feet and tear-stained cheeks, he was at a loss. What could he do when she had turned him down already? What could he give that would that would not make her feel further ashamed? Maybe he should just move on …

And he started to walk away again — but did not.

He turned to her once more, he took off his shoes, and he placed them at her feet … Then he gently touched her shoulder and, when she raised her eyes to his, he told her that she was Loved.

This actually happened.This is actually happening every day all over the world.

This, or something like it, is what you can actually do — today.

This — and only this, is what will bring You back to Life; what will allow you to return to the Land of the Living.

Joy-fully walk through the doorways of Caring that open before you today … They are everywhere in every moment.

Every hour, choose to pause at least once to really look around — not to see where you are going or remember all the “important things” you have to do, but rather to See where you can be Kind; to notice the ways you can lessen another’s burdens; the ways in which you can add to their Joy.

And when you do so — when you see those brilliant chances, avoid looking away, choose to ACT. Choose to give that other just one moment of Happiness — just one instant when they can remember that someone else Cares.

This is what it means to BE ALIVE …

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the Heart.” ~ Helen Keller

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