finding Joy in taxes … (04/15/12)
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ W. Goethe
HAPPY TAX DAY everybody!
OK, I know this is not the happiest of days for most of you Americans. In all likelihood, you are either groaning about the money you were “forced to pay” or you are fretting about being late with that payment. I used to pay taxes in the States and now I pay LOTS of taxes here in Germany — so I get it.
Of course, this post is not really about paying taxes. Rather, it is about your Freedom — pure and simple …
I have a motto in life that has served me well over the years: Choose to want to do it or don’t do it at all. Indeed, if you are moping or whining about doing anything in your life, you are not really benefiting yourself or anyone else by doing it.
How does this Truth relate to paying taxes? Simple — either pay them Joy-fully or don’t pay them at all … period!
I realize that this gets pretty difficult for Americans, especially once the following facts become evident:
Fact #1: the IRS can indeed throw a U.S. citizen in jail for not paying their income taxes. That this act is unconstitutional & thereby completely illegal is irrelevant; they truly can do this.
Fact #2: NOT ONE PENNY of your income tax dollars goes to pay for any of the services you think they are paying for. That’s right, your income tax dollars — all of them — help pay for the ill-advised spending policies of our past & current “leaders” (i.e. the interest on the federal debt). Oh yeah, a significant part of them also help fund the “just wars” that the American military is currently fighting (as well as all those “just wars” that we are currently planning to fight in the near future).
“If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency … the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power of money should be taken from banks and restored to the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Of course, if you support paying the Federal Reserve trillions of your hard-earned dollars, and if you support the current U.S. military operations that are CREATING hundreds if not thousands of new “terrorists” every day, then feel free continue to pay those taxes. Rest assured that I, at least, will think just as highly of you whether you do so or not.
After all, this issue is not at all problematic for me here in Germany, where around 40% of my monies are taxed, but go towards beautifying the environment, maintaining fantastic schools, caring wonderfully for the sick & the elderly, and preserving a very high quality of living for the poor.
Remember, the real issue here is not your taxes — it’s your FREEDOM; the freedom to choose to WANT to do whatever you choose to do.
So what options are left for the rest of you — those of you who really do not want your earnings to make the rich mega-bankers richer or the United States a more violent nation?
Well, there is some GOOD NEWS for you folks: you do indeed have some very attractive options:
Option #1: Purpose-fully & consciously & courageously refuse to pay your income taxes. Around 80 million Americans engage this option every year, so of you do so, you will be in very good company.
Option #2: Purpose-fully & consciously withhold the 25%+ of your income tax dollars that reportedly go towards financing our current military operations around the world.
Option #3: Purpose-fully & consciously pay all of your taxes, AND include a letter (or write a note on the check itself) explaining that ALL of your money is to be used for Peace-full domestic policies. You can even designate the specific areas of assistance that you prefer (e.g. education, health care, environmental protection, caring for the elderly etc.) … This doesn’t mean that your cash will actually be used in that way, of course, but at least your intentions will be made known; at least someone at the IRS will cash that check and be forced to think a bit.
… & option “BEST”: Pay your taxes willingly just to get the U.S. government off your back, and then get out there and use your remaining time & your remaining money to do the very things that your government should have already done with your taxes long ago … 😉
Rest assured, your vote is not going to alter this one a single bit — it is up to you to BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE!
In closing, just because those “in power” have made this decision a very difficult one, doesn’t mean that they have removed your Power to choose! You will always have this Power — as long as you choose to exercise it.
LOVE requires being true to your True Self …
LOVE requires conscious action …
LOVE requires making courageous choices …
… got LOVE?
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous effort … We must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.