Love is the meditation … (04/06/12)

Love is a wonderful meditation.

If you can simply understand it as a device, you don’t have to do anything;

whatever you are doing is being done by Love.

You are walking, it is Love moving about;

you are sleeping, it is Love resting;

you are speaking, it is Love singing;

you are silent, it is Love in stillness …

And as you do so more & more – as you gradually let Love be your reason for being, slowly everything begins to settle,

and then there is no need for the technique.

When you are living as Love, you throw away the meditation.

Then you live as Love – alive, radiant, contented, blissful, a song unto yourself;

a song for everyone to witness; a song for others to hum along.

Your life becomes a prayer without any words —

a grace, a beauty which cannot be tainted by pain or greed or fear;

a ray of light shining from within into the darkness.

(inspired by Osho)