the Courage to enCourage … (03/28/12)

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~ Thomas Alva Edison

We’ve seemingly tried everything to fix our world — to make our lives Meaning-full. We’ve been politically active, religiously zealous and exuberantly… healthy. We’ve put up “healthy boundaries” and engaged dozens of “self-help” practices. We’ve prayed and meditated and visualized … and yet still we find ourselves sinking back into pain and confusion … still we find ourselves yearning for real Happiness.

Well, here’s some news: Life will break you. That’s what it does. Nothing can protect you from that — not being loved by the “perfect partner” … or possessing material wealth … or having a beautiful body … or knowing “inner peace” … Not even living alone will keep you safe, for we are programmed to share life, and so solitude will also break you in its own way as well.

No, eventually you are going to have to realize that there is only one Way to know Meaning — that there is only one Way to know Peace — that there is only one Way to know true Joy.

You are going to have to Love … You are going to have to revel with others when they win and feel for them when they hurt … You are going to have to reach out into your community and Care.

Ultimately, you will realize that this is the reason you are here. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up in something greater than yourself.

And when you finally comprehend this and it happens that you are broken again — betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near — you will choose a different path …

Instead of wallowing in your sorrow and wishing that things were better, instead of merely sitting by an apple tree and listening to the apples fall all around you, wasting their sweetness …

… at that time (maybe today), you are going to get up and go help the children.

(inspired by Louise Erdrich)