pausing to BE … (03/30/12)

“We may not all live holy lives, but we live in a world alive with holy moments.” ~ Kent Nerburn

It seems like there is just too much to do these days. I find myself juggling so many tasks — tasks that are all designed to help others in some way, and yet tasks that I feel are all important things to do — all important things to “get done”.

If I’m not Care-full, it sometimes starts to stress me out …

Well, I stopped long enough this morning to realize that each of you probably know exactly what I am talking about … I stopped long enough to realize that maybe this “too much to do” syndrome is an innate part of our human programming. Maybe we are designed to “do — Do — DO” because our primitive brains believe that doing anything “productive” is what keeps us alive — or is what protects us from imminent danger — or is what prepares us to survive if it ever “hits the fan” — or is simply what a “responsible person” does.

Well, this morning I woke up to another Truth — one that I think also applies to every one of you just as well as it applies to me:

IT IS OK TO PAUSE & look around!

“Juggling is dropping things…………in style” ~ unknown
This quote helps me to keep it all in perspective … In other words, everything is NOT going to get done to our satisfaction. When we realize that we are often “juggling bubbles”, we understand that some things will simply have to be “dropped”.

And it is OK for you to do the dropping of them Purpose-fully. It is OK to gently pop the bubbles of hope and fear and worry that we are so earnestly juggling … It is OK to let the “to do” list sit for awhile and just BE — to just BE while consciously soaking up the amazing Beauty that surrounds us in every moment of our lives.

To get the full effect of what I’m talking about, you can do so right now … so go ahead:

1) stop what you are currently doing…
2) get up & go outside (or look out a window) … &
3) take a deep breath while you let the Beauty of your Life flow smoothly into your awareness.

Now repeat this for a few breaths … Stay with this conscious “Appreciation-break” for several minutes if you wish, and remember to smile while doing so. (Of course, as you find yourself slipping into a deep Gratitude for simply being alive, the smile will come on its own.)

“The crucial point is that we can relate with our life just as it is right now, not later when things might improve.” ~ Pema Chodron

While you are taking this little Love-Life break, avoid worrying about those bubbles on your “to do” list — they are still right there where you left them, and everything of any true importance will still get done when it needs to get done.

What is truly IMPORTANT is that we regularly pause to Appreciate our lives while they are flying by …
… because this day is a priceless treasure, never to be repeated; never to be re-lived.

And then, as you head back into your everyday life — as you return to your “juggling act”, remember these final two tips:

Tip #1: “The trick to juggling is determining which balls are made of rubber & which are made of glass.” ~ unknown

Tip #2: Almost everything on your to do list is “made of rubber”, & EVERY PERSON you encounter EVERY DAY is “made of glass”.

So, with that in mind, have fun BEing — and then have fun juggling … 😉

LOVE is showing gratitude for life …

… got LOVE?

“If a good deed I may do, if a kindness I may show to a fellow man, let me do it while I can.

I will not delay, for it is plain that I shall not pass this way again.” ~ Stephen Grellet