Doing Good Anyway … (02/18/12)

I look for a chance to be Kind …
I find one easily (every person encountered is such an opportunity) …
I move forward to extend them some Kindness,

— a caring smile, a gentle nod of recognition, an encouraging word —

… and then my ego chimes in:

“You are only one person — you can’t make a real difference.”
“Being briefly Kind to a stranger won’t really make their life better.”
“What if you scare them or make them uncomfortable?”
“What if they reject your Good Deed?”
“What if you fail?”

Well, I might be only one person,
and I might not make anyone’s life significantly better,
and I might scare someone or make them uncomfortable,
and they might reject my Kindness …
I might indeed “fail”.

And yet I’m going to continue to err on the side of Caring —
I’m just going to keep being Kind anyway.

As usual, Gandhi summed it up quite well: