How are we to respond to hate-crimes? … (01/12/12)

It is important first and foremost to remember that hatred is nothing less than crystallized fear; that the hateful are simply extremely frightened beings who are lashing out blindly at their perceived enemies.

Secondly, it is useful to remember that condemning or punishin gor rejecting or even criticizing such beings only serves to entrench the low self-esteem that inpsired their hatred in the fiorst place; that to do so — while “reasonable” & “understandable” — is actually counterproductive, actually encouraging them to continue their hateful behaviors.

As such, let us send Compassion to the fear-filled, and let us do so with word more than thought, and with action more than word!

After all, to combat hate with more hate only serves to strengthen hate … to combat fear with more fear only serves to strengthen fear.

In such situations, the only effective response must be grounded in a frequency that counterbalances hate & the fear that creates hatred … the only effective response is Compassion — the only effective response is LOVE.

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