January 22 … BEing Bold
Make or buy an outrageous hat and wear it all day today.
Make or buy an outrageous hat and wear it all day today.
Today, be the last person to depart from every space you occupy — Be the last to leave home, the last to rise from any table, the last to stand after a meeting or a class, the last to depart from any room, the last to leave a gathering, the last to depart from a […]
Take some time to remember three (3) of your past personal “tragedies” (i.e. actual moments of tragic loss &/or times of deep despair or disappointment) … Now re-envision each of them anew, seeing yourself responding with Nobility and Grace in the face of their intense pains &/or frustrations. Next, ponder them in calm until you […]
Every hour today, do something completely “random”. Simply listen to your “gut” &/or flow with “first thought, best thought”. In essence, simply choose to make all your decisions in those moments – those that are “important” &/or “major” as well as those that seem “minor” &/or “trivial” – on a wholehearted whim.
Invent a new punctuation mark that represents Happiness. Then, write three letters (one to a friend, one to a family member, and one to an acquaintance) and use your new symbol profusely. Be creative enough that at least one of the three is likely to ask what the symbol means, and be clear enough that […]
Go to a local animal shelter and be kind to the animals next scheduled to be “terminated” — Walk them … Pet them … Talk to them gently … Feed them treats. Let them know that, at least for today, that they too are Loved. Bonus Activity: If you can find a “no-kill” animal shelter […]
Visit a local jail and bring its inmates some non-religious inspirational reading materials (humor is always a great vehicle for inspiration). Ask if you can visit with them as well. If you are allowed to do so, do so. Ask them how they are “holding up” and intently listen to their answers. Let them know […]
Gather all of your old photos together. Go through them and put one (1) of every three (3) photos into a pile to give away. If some are not “givable”, burn them in a “cleansing ceremony” this evening.
Seek out a preacher of a “rival faith” and ask him/her about Salvation, listening openly tp him/her without judgment. Offer your own insights only if you are asked to do so — and be very brief if you are so asked. After all, this is a humble listening mission, not a proud preaching one.