Maxim #298: aging Grace-fully

Conventional wisdom tells us that “It’s not how old you are; it’s how you age that matters”, and yet the Soul knows that age is completely irrelevant to the Beauty-full …  

Maxim #299: matching mouths to morals

Conventional wisdom tells us that “People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch how either is made”, and yet the Soul knows that ignorance is anything but Bliss; that if you can’t stomach how something is created, then you shouldn’t be putting it in your mouth …

Maxim #300: back to the Roots

Conventional wisdom tells us “Do not pull up a plant to see if its roots are healthy”, and yet the Soul also knows that every tree is one with the hand that hews it; that to lash out at another is to lash out at one’s self; that our ends only justify their means when […]

Maxim #301: knowing your Age

Conventional wisdom tells us “Count your age by your friends, not your years”, and yet the Soul knows that the quality of life is not measured by how many friends one acquires, but by how many strangers & enemies one treats as friends …

Maxim #302: abusing worry

Conventional wisdom tells us that “Worry is the misuse of imagination”, and yet the Soul knows that worry is actually praying for the very thing that could do one the most harm; that when faced with fear, we are to toast our troubles with gratitude & then leap with boldness instead …  

Maxim #303: let them Live

Conventional wisdom tells us that “When given with love, a fistful of dandelions means as much as dozen roses”, and yet the Soul know that — while giving flowers to loved ones does indeed have great Meaning — leaving those blossoms in the earth, to thereafter shower their Beauty on everyone else, means so much […]

Maxim #304: It’s all Good

Conventional wisdom tells us that “Growing up takes place somewhere between ‘It fell’ and ‘I dropped it’”, and yet the Soul knows that our Awakening only becomes complete when we flow from “My bad” to “It’s all good” …

Maxim #305: keeping ON

Conventional wisdom tells us that “When you are up to your ankles in alligators, don’t stop to tie your shoes”, and yet the Soul knows as well that if you are alive and awake in the darkness, always pause to admire the heavens …

Maxim #306: the earliest Bird

Conventional wisdom tells us that “The worst part of being early is having no one there to appreciate it”, and yet the Soul knows that both “late” & “early” are illusory concepts — hollow whispers fueled by fear; that our brilliant days do not come to us, nor do we travel thereto. Indeed, our lives’ […]