Maxim #246: jumping in Life’s puddles

Conventional wisdom tells us “Every path has its puddles”, and yet the Soul knows that it is within all of Life’s “puddles” that our true Joy resides …  

Maxim #247: Fate’s departure

Conventional wisdom tells us “Fate arrives when men fail to act”, and yet the Soul knows that — even when happenstance throws us into pits dark & deep — Fate is shattered the minute we choose to climb up & out anyway …  

Maxim #248: fortune’s misfortune

Conventional wisdom tells us that “Fortune and misfortune are next-door neighbors”, and yet the Soul knows that the two are actually one; that no matter how thick the evening’s storm or how radiant the morning’s dew, there is only the falling waters — bringing life with every drop …  

Maxim #249: one finger out, three fingers back

Conventional wisdom tells us that “Guilty men see guilt even on the faces of Saints”, and yet the Soul knows that, whether judging Saints as sinners or sinners as Saints, the one doing the judging only truly sees his own self therein …

Maxim #250: the lonely crowd

Conventional wisdom tells us that “He who follows the crowd has many companions”, and yet the Soul knows that he who follows the crowd will always be lonely, while she who walks The Way alone is always in the best of company …

Maxim #251: an Ascendance most radiant

Conventional wisdom tells us that “It is better to bend than to break”, and yet the Soul reminds us that bending to avoid breaking ensures a most painful fall; that it is only bending to dance with The One that ensures an ascendance most radiant …

Maxim #252: let us walk

Conventional wisdom tells us that “If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride”, and yet the Soul knows that if horses had wishes, all humans would walk …  

Maxim #253: Knowing where You Are

Conventional wisdom tells us that “It is better to be a has-been than a never-was”, and yet the Soul knows that the flower is not the bud it once was, nor the river its final flow into the sea …

Maxim #254: keeping the Secret

Conventional wisdom tells us that “If we wish another to keep our secrets, we must first keep them ourselves”, and yet the Soul knows that Love is a secret that withers quickly when unshared …  

Maxim #255: the one Great Pearl

Conventional wisdom tells us that “Many a perfect pearl remains hidden in all the oceans’ oysters”, and yet the Soul knows that each & every sentient body houses the same luminous radiance of the same Great Pearl …  

Maxim #256: down from the heavens; up to Heaven

Conventional wisdom tells us “No matter how high the bird flies, it must come down for water”, and yet the Soul knows that our true Nourishment can only be received (and our true Beauty only known) when we swoop low not to help ourselves, but to bring peace to those who have fallen …