Tales from the Trail #05: Sweetly saved by Sylvia …

It had been a long and arduous (though admittedly also often quite peaceful) 18-mile stroll along the mostly shoulder-less (and yet for many midnight hours, almost completely untrafficked) Highway 27 – all the way to the small town of Sunbright; a town that essentially consisted of a post office, a small library, a Dollar General […]

Tales from the Trail #04: Moving with the Moved …

I sat for quite some time on this day in the shade on the truck-stop side of a gas station – not really even interested in asking for a ride further up the road; just thankful to be sitting in calm out of the heat. And there I sat quite peacefully for quite a few […]

Tales from the Trail #03: On the letting go of Life …

The following morning I woke (again, after over eleven straight hours of gloriously sound sleep) and somehow knew in my most profound depths of being that I was indeed going to continue my Walk – that I was going to do whatever I had to do to get as far as I could for Peace; […]

Tales from the Trail #02: On the Kindness of a Child …

I was not doing well at all on this particular day – the temperatures were simply too hot and the Sun was simply too glaring and the traffic was simply too aggressive and my satchel was simply too heavy. And so it was that I indeed started to break down – both physically & emotionally […]

Tales from the Trail #01: Handcuffed from the Start …

In the beginning of my Walk – and for quite a few days thereafter – the long and the short of it all was essentially this: It was HOT – HOT when I departed back on the evening of August 29th – super HOT – crazy HOT – hot & super MUGGY to boot. And […]