dancing openly … (12/31/11)

O my companions, there is nothing to be ashamed of now Since I have been seen dancing openly. ~ Mirabai

the Prayer of St. Francis … (12/30/10)

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, let me sow pardon; Where there is doubt, let me sow faith; Where there is despair, let me sow hope; Where there is darkness, let me sow light; And where there is sadness, let me […]

The Soul’s Summit … (12/30/10)

The Love that my willing self-destruction allows to blossom is the epitome of invincibility … I can no longer be harmed by anyone or anything, as I no longer long for Love, but have become Love itself. And what is this pure LOVE? It is the highest spinneret on every gleaming citadel … and the […]

Put your Prayers to the Pen … (12/30/11)

“Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?” ~ Nietzsche Love must be done to BE, and yet there are many ways to dance Love’s […]

Wider than that … (12/30/10)

“All I can Do is stand with my arms stretched wide — wider than that … It is the Love and the pain; the hurt and the conflict; the warmth and the laughter that I make room for … So stretch them wider — even wider than that.” ~ Emily J. Williams

Become the River … (12/30/10)

Relate to your existence as an unbroken river. You have been from the beginning before any beginning at all . . . you will exist until long after the end beyond any end could be . . . eternity has nothing to do with these measures. Become the river, not a drop of its water […]

Rediscovering Wholeness … (12/30/10)

In waiting for grace, we miss grace. The grace of each ordinary, timeless moment, as it is. And you stand naked in front of life, moment by moment, knowing that whatever happens is totally okay even in the midst of perfect devastation, which, of course, is devastating perfection. This is freedom beyond the speaking of […]

Only One Love … (12/29/10)

“There is only one ocean and only one Love. It is our thoughts that divide them.” ~ Fred Lansford

The true Hero … (12/26/10)

“In the first stage, man and sword become one and each other. Here, even a blade of grass can be used as lethal weapon. In the next stage, the sword resides not in the hand but in the heart. Here, even without a weapon, the warrior can slay his enemy from 100 paces. But the […]