March 23 … Asking to Assist

Go the entire day today actively looking for opportunities to serve others.  At least once every hour, ask a stranger if there is anything you can do for them.

March 24 … Disengaging from Gossip

Radically refuse to gossip today by listening for others gossiping around you and then choosing to openly defend those who are being attacked.  Such a defense is as simple as providing an alternative explanation for the criticized behavior or openly hypothesizing a positive reason as to why the talked-about actions could have taken place. Bonus […]

March 25 … Securing the Self

Embarrassment, a self-imposed shackle on any real Freedom, is anything but objective.  Indeed, there are no patently “inappropriate” or objectively “embarrassing” actions.  Yes, decisions that purposefully harm or provoke others are indeed immoral, and yet all other “shameful” choices are only made so by arbitrary public opinion – never immutable fact.  As such, every hour […]

March 26 … Sharing Wonderment

Build a “sand castle” in or near a public park, decorating it as though it were a Gift for God.  Encourage children to help you build it and then spend some time playing with them in and around it.  When finished, step back and watch them enjoying it awhile before departing.  

March 27 … Renewing Faith

Pause regularly today (at least once every hour) and intently Watch people … Realize that every person you see has dreams.  Every one of them has loved and lost.  Every one of them has experienced Joy and crisis.  And despite their apparent “faults”, every one of them has done at least one amazingly Kind deed […]

March 28 … Becoming a local Tourist

Take a backpack this morning and fill it with a camera (if you have one), some snack food, a water bottle (or a thermos) and a map of your town (if you don’t have a map, obtain one at a local gas station or download one from the Internet).  Then, during the day, go on-line […]

March 29 … A “random” Journey

Go to a local bus stop, get on the next bus that arrives there, and ride it to “the end of the line”.  Get out at the last stop and walk around to See what you can SEE … Choose to notice something Wonder-full that you never would have expected to find there … Finally, […]

March 30 … Cleansing the Community

Contact some Friends this morning and let them know that you’re planning an impromptu “cleansing” party tonight.  Everyone can bring whatever they wish as far as cruelty-free food and drink are concerned, and everyone is to bring a sheet of paper upon which they are to write three (3) of their fears, three (3) of […]

March 31 … re-Awakening a personal Holiness

At least once every hour today, introduce yourself as “Saint (your name)” to a stranger.  Be sure to act accordingly — by gently and humbly asking if there is anything you can do for that particular person (Remember not to carry any money with you when you go). Bonus Activity:  Make your own I.D., giving […]