May 02 … a very real Relaying

Find a favorite short story or long poem (if you don’t have one yet, go to the library or go on-line and find one).  Take your selection this morning to a public location and read it aloud – slowly and with feeling (train stations are good for this one) … Thereafter, during the day, replace […]

May 03 … Re-Focusing on the Moment

This morning, stare into the center of a flower (preferably a rose) for 30 seconds.  Throughout the day thereafter, pause at least once each hour, find a different item, and repeat this 30 second re-Focusing … This evening, light a candle at home and stare into the space between the wick & the flame for […]

May 04 … Taking the High Road

Three (3) times today (once this morning, once this afternoon, & once this evening), pick a destination within walking distance and set out towards it – being sure to take the “long way” … Pay attention to what you would have missed had you been more “efficient.”

May 05 … Awakening their Hearts

This morning, paint or draw a big sign that says “Free Hugs.”  This afternoon, go stand for one hour with it in the middle of town to see what happens.  You don’t have to say anything or explain yourself – just smile gently &/or give gentle free hugs.

May 06 … Unconventional Eating

Today, eat all “utensil food” with your hands & all “finger food” with utensils.  Smile at others while doing so, & act as though everything is normal if asked why you’re doing so.

May 07 … Overture to the oft-Overlooked

Leave a surprise (e.g. a dish of vegan cookies, a nice pen, a music CD, etc.) to be found by your mailman this morning.  Include a personalized note of Gratitude with your gift.

May 08 … Cleansing your Speech

Pause a few minutes this morning to think of the most common “curse words” you have used (or still use) in your life.  If you don’t curse at all, think of some of the one’s you hear most often around you … Next, pick a few of them and come up with an unusual, “clean” […]

May 09 … Honoring the Saints

This morning, read up on a few modern-day Saints (e.g. Mahatma Gandhi, MLK, Peace Pilgrim, Thich Nhat Hahn, etc).  What message(s) do they have in common?  Find one quote from any of them that resonates with your True Self and write it down.  Then, every hour today, find one associate or one stranger and repeat […]

May 10 … Deeper Laughter

Today, choose to laugh heartily and to let laughter be your “reaction of choice.”  Do so while eliminating all worries related to others’ possible disapproval thereof.  If unsure about an event or occurrence, always assume the humorous &/or guess the most Joy-full alternative.  Find the “funny” in the everyday … Basically, at least once per […]

May 11 … re-Building Community

Today, re-introduce yourself to three (3) neighbors.  Bring along some homemade baked goods or other house-warming-type gifts.  As a goal, try to find out one thing about them that you didn’t know before.  As you depart, make sure they know that you appreciate them and that you are there for them if they ever need […]

May 12 … Detaching from Hope

Having faith in Life to inevitably support you is Love-enabling, while hoping for specific outcomes is not.  With this in mind, list the three (3) top goals you have for your life – one short-term, one mid-term (1 year from now) & one long-term (5-10 years from now).  Write them all on a piece of […]