Day 307 … October 2nd (the Beauty-full people)

“The [Universe] is simply throbbing with treasures, beautiful Souls and interesting people.” ~ Henry Miller Joy is born when we choose to see the sparkle of specialness within the dullness of the “regular”.

Day 308 … October 3rd (making a difference)

“It is possible to decrease the suffering in the world by adding to the Joy. It is possible to add to the Light rather than try to destroy the darkness. Once you begin to acknowledge random acts of kindness – both the ones you have received and the ones you have given – you can […]

Day 309 … October 4th (the Good Man)

“Nothing deters a Good Man from doing the Honorable Deed that is available.” ~ Seneca (Ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret)

Day 310 … October 5th (re-Discovering Self)

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones that you did. So throw off the bowlines and sail away from your safe harbor … Explore — Dream — Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Day 311 … October 6th (the Why of it All)

“If you enter the Temple for no other purpose than asking, you shall not receive anything.” ~ K. Gibran Regardless of your religion, praying for your personal “salvation” is the ultimate blasphemy.

Day 312 … October 7th (becoming Famous)

“The River is famous to the fish. The loud voice is famous to Silence, which knew it would inherit the Earth. The tear is famous, briefly, to the cheek … I want to be famous to shuffling men who smile while crossing streets, to sticky children in grocery lines; famous as the one who smiled […]

Day 313 … October 8th (walking the Width)

“All I can do is stand with my arms stretched wide — wider than that … It is the Love and the pain; the hurt and the conflict; the warmth and the laughter that I make room for … So stretch them wider — even wider than that.” ~ Emily J. Williams

Day 314 … October 9th (nothing Stronger)

“Material things are not gifts but rather apologies for gifts. The only true Gift is a portion of thyself … One of the beautiful compensations of life is that no man can sincerely give to another without simultaneously helping to free his Self … There is nothing stronger than such gentleness.” ~ unknown

Day 315 … October 10th (Living the Miracle)

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a Miracle. The other is as though everything is a Miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein LOVE is the miracle!

Day 316 … October 11th (the Sun within)

“One can make a day of any size, and regulate the rising and the setting of his own Sun, and the brightness of Its shining.” ~ John Muir The Sun is always shining, & true Happiness thrives within every Heart.

Day 317 … October 12th (turning into Stars)

“Little by little, you will turn into stars. Even then, my dear, you will only be a crawling infant, still skinning your knees on God. Little by little, you will turn into the whole, sweet, amorous Universe – in heat on a wild, Spring night – and become so free … In a wonderful, secret […]