Introduction … What makes a Hero

It is oh so easy in this day & age to succumb to society’s all too prevalent inundations of fear and negativity; all too easy for us to focus on what is broken in our politics, what is wrong with our neighborhoods, or what is seemingly dangerous in our surroundings.  It seems that no matter […]

Hero #001: Hank Aaron … (06/02/16)

Henry “Hank” Aaron is a retired American Major League Baseball player who played 21 seasons for the Milwaukee/Atlanta Braves and two seasons for the Milwaukee Brewers. Aaron held the record for career home runs for 33 years, and he still holds several other MLB offensive records – all of which he accomplished while receiving persistent […]

Hero #002: Edward Abbey … (06/01/16)

Hero #22: Edward Abbey … Born in 1927, Abbey was a controversial American author and essayist noted for his advocacy of the environment, his criticism of public land policies, and his radical political views. His best-known works include the novel The Monkey Wrench Gang, which has been cited as an inspiration behind the founding of […]