Maxim #357: the prudence of the Fool
Conventional wisdom tells us that “Prudence brings honor, while foolishness invites disgrace”, and yet the Soul knows that there is no true honor in safety, and that there is no real integrity amongst the dour …
Conventional wisdom tells us that “Prudence brings honor, while foolishness invites disgrace”, and yet the Soul knows that there is no true honor in safety, and that there is no real integrity amongst the dour …
Conventional wisdom tells us that “Time heals all wounds”, and yet the Soul knows that it is time & time alone that forces all wounds to linger; and that it is Love & Love alone that allows all wounds to heal …
Conventional wisdom tells us that “Sharing makes you bigger than you really are”, and yet the Soul knows that it is sharing freely with others that reminds you who You have actually been all along …
Conventional wisdom tells us “Be courteous to all, yet intimate with few”, and yet the Soul knows that it is impossible to be truly courteous to others without also having the courage to open up to them in intimacy …
Conventional wisdom tells us “When you say yes to others, make sure you aren’t also saying no to yourself”, and yet the Soul knows that saying “no” to yourself in order to say “yes” to others is the only way to actually say “YES” to your Self …
Conventional wisdom tells us “When you define a problem correctly, the solution arrives on its own”, and yet the Soul knows that there is only one true “problem” facing humanity; and that its solution has already been established — and that this solution is already at hand …
Conventional wisdom tells us “Enjoy what you can; endure what you must”, and yet the Soul knows that Joy is always present — except in those moments when life is chosen to be merely endured …
Conventional wisdom tells us that “The family that prays together, stays together”, and yet the Soul knows that the only prayer that reaches the ears of the Divine is the one not uttered for self with passionate words or intense emotion, but rather the one that is made for the benefit others — and spoken […]
Conventional wisdom tells us that “No news is good news”, and yet the Soul knows that it is impossible to perceive Life’s truly Good News until we stop listening to & believing in “the news” sold by humankind …