Myth #48: “But dairy cows need to be milked.”

It is true that if a dairy cow is not relieved of her milk, her udders can become painfully distended. Of course, this almost never happens in nature because cows, like all other mammals – including humans, only lactate while nursing their young after having given birth to them.   In essence, then, the only reason […]

Myth #49: “But I need dairy for my calcium.”

In a bizarre twist of irony, not only do milk products not provide a form of calcium that is easily digested by humans, they do contain animal-based proteins that raise the acidity levels of the human body, thereby forcing our bodies to actually take calcium away from our bones and remove it from our system […]

Myth #50: “But I only consume goat dairy.”

This excuse is actually almost dear to me, as it was the very last excuse I used before finally going vegan.   My addiction to dairy (primarily the casein in cheese) was so strong that I actually convinced myself for a few weeks that dairy goats were treated humanely; that dairy goats were not forcibly impregnated […]

Myth #51: “But I just love cheese so much.”

You might be interested to know that your powerful cheese-cravings are not a reason for you to continue eating cheese, they are actually a clear sign that you need to STOP eating it … Yes, it is true that most cheese-lovers do feel a bit “edgy” (or literally itchy, or even experience headaches) if they […]

Myth #52: “But eating eggs doesn’t harm anybody.”

I actually used to believe this myth as well, so I pass no judgment on those of you who still believe it. Unfortunately, this sentiment is based in a series of flagrant lies and insidious deceptions propagated by the egg industry … Please consider the following facts: *I’ve helped raise chickens for a number of […]

Myth #53: “But eating honey doesn’t harm anybody.”

This myth is admittedly a tough one for most folks to discard, and indeed honey was one of the last animal-based foods I stopped eating before finally going vegan. After all, I thought at the time, we humans aren’t slaughtering bees to eat them; we are only eating their excess honey — honey that they […]

Myth #54: “But I’m just one person; I don’t do much harm.”

Actually, due to the immense gravity of the harms directly linked to the confinement & the slaughter of farmed animals, each and every non-vegan does quite a large amount of harm indeed … Please consider the following facts: *For every pound of meat you consume, you are indirectly responsible for the production of over 20 […]

Myth #55: “But I’m too set in my ways to change.”

No matter how old we happen to be, or how enmeshed we are in our more comfortable belief systems, we are never too old to gather new information — and we are never too old to make better decisions based upon the same. If you are determined to avoid unfamiliar facts and unpopular truths — […]

Myth #56: “But my meat is already dead when I buy it.”

My dear Friends, as much as you would like to believe otherwise, if you did not “demand” the violent assault of farmed animals by paying someone else to do the farming, exploiting, enslaving and killing of them, then the milk & dairy industry would cease supplying the flesh & secretions produced by that exploitation. More […]