Myth #78: “But the plants you eat feel pain too.”

(also heard as “But plants have feelings too.”) While there is growing evidence that plants are indeed more aware of their surroundings than once believed, they are almost certainly not sentient on the same level as animals. Yes, there is new research showing that plants can sense entrants into their immediate environment and react to […]

Myth #79: “But other social issues are more important.”

(also heard as “Why do you vegans hate/ignore humans?”) First and foremost, there is no universal law mandating that we can only dedicate our time to only one social issue. In other words, just because a vegan happens to fight against the innate injustices of the meat & dairy industry does not mean that she […]

Myth #80: “But they are only animals.”

(also known as “But animals are stupid.”) This particular argument, embarrassingly enough, was actually employed by myself for many years to justify my own meat-eating. And on its face, my reasoning (and the reasoning of all meat-eaters who still believe this myth) was sound enough. After all, animals are clearly “less intelligent” than humans, which […]

Myth #81: “But the animals don’t suffer that much.”

(also heard as “Vegans focus only on the extreme cases.”) This myth is an extreme example of convenience & comfort completely short-circuiting rational thought. It is an extremely well-documented and fully undeniable fact that the vast majority of animals killed for food around the world (more than 3000 of them every second) suffer immensely & […]

Myth #82: “But I can’t make a difference.”

The only time you truly make no difference is when you choose to do nothing because you believe you can’t make a difference. And it is indeed far better to have lived a life at least trying to do some Good, as opposed to giving up without trying at all … Besides, you alone going […]

Myth #83: “I wish I had your willpower.”

Well first of all, a lack of willpower is never an acceptable excuse for causing other beings to suffer — ever … That having been said, I have some Good News for all of you tuning in: YOU ALREADY HAVE ALL THE WILLPOWER YOU’LL EVER NEED! That’s right … As it turns out, willpower is […]

Conclusion … the end of the Beginning

Over the last 699 days of living as a devout advocate for Justice & Compassion (i.e. as a vegan), I have been involved in many conversations with non-vegans about why they continue to support animal abuse by eating animals and consuming animal secretions (a.k.a. “dairy products”) … Some of these conversations have been a bit […]