Myth #22: “But I need to eat meat for my blood type.”

This theory, primarily made famous by the best-selling book “Eat Right 4 Your Type”, claims that humans must match their diets with their blood types in order to maintain optimum health — and more specifically, that those individuals having type-O blood need to eat animal flesh in order to do so. Not only have I […]

Myth #23: “But I get headaches when I stop eating meat.”

We in the west have all to one degree or another been conditioned to crave the taste of cooked flesh. And as such, it is quite reasonable to not only desire meat, but also to experience psychosomatic symptoms like headaches or dizziness or depression or even “the shakes” after choosing to stop eating meat and […]

Myth #24: “But meat tastes so good.”

Actually, uncooked & unseasoned meat does not naturally taste good to humans. We cook our meat to make it chewable and we season it to make it palatable, and then we become physiologically addicted to it, which makes it seem as though it “tastes good”.  In reality, meat is objectively repulsive to humans, which is […]

Myth #25: “But I’m a meat eater. Mmmmm … Bacon!”

Seriously?!? It just might interest you to know that the vast majority of the pigs (that are noticeably more intelligent than – and just as self-aware as — your beloved dog, by the way) that go into your bacon were born into truly horrific conditions — tails sheared off and teeth cut out and testicles […]

Myth #26: “But I’m allergic to vegetables.”

As ridiculous as it may sound, there actually is a rather rare disorder called Oral Allergy Syndrome that causes its sufferers to feel an intense burning &/or itching sensation whenever certain fruits & vegetables are eaten. This disorder, also called Fruit Pollen Syndrome, is not dangerous like many of its food-allergy cousins, and yet does […]

Myth #27: “But vegan food is boring.”

(also heard as “But vegan food tastes like crap.”) First of all, if you are placing your own fleeting pleasures of palate over the immense pain & suffering — indeed, the complete loss of life — that such food choices demand, then maybe it is time for you to look in the mirror and ask […]

Myth #28: “But going vegan is so difficult.”

(also heard as “But going vegan is just so inconvenient.”) Once you get used to it (which normally only takes a week or two), going vegan is actually quite easy. And this is especially true in the west, where vegan alternatives are becoming more & more prevalent every day. Besides, when it gets right down […]

Myth #29: “But going vegan is so expensive.”

Yes, quite a few of your politicians have been bought out by the meat & milk industry, making vegan alternatives far more expensive than they could be and animal products far cheaper to buy than they are to produce. And yet despite this flagrant criminality (our government officials have been placed in office to serve […]

Myth #30: “But eating meat allowed our brains to evolve.”

While the sociological & anthropological communities are not in agreement on this theory (many social scientists believe that it was actually the complex multi-tasking and high-level community interaction mandated by plant-based food gathering that led to the development of our neocortex*), it is important to remember that we are talking about EVOLUTION here. Namely, that […]

Myth #31: “But the Eskimos need to eat meat to survive.”

(also heard as “But what about the poor people in the 3rd World?”) Actually, you might want to reconsider this myth in light of the following: * FACT – Members of the Maasai tribe in Kenya, one of the few cultures that sustains itself on a diet that is primarily animal-based, currently have the worst […]

Myth #32: “But I need to hunt to feed my family.”

Even though it seems like hunting animals is justified as a free source of food, in reality nothing could be further from the truth.   While hunting may on its face seem like an inexpensive way to provide sustenance, its massive “hidden costs” (clothing, transportation maintenance, fuel, equipment, guns, ammunition, licenses, etc.) actually make it an […]