Myth #11: “You vegans are so extreme.”

(also heard as “Life needs balance.”) We need “balance” when it comes to animal rights? – seriously?   Do we need “balance” when it comes to rape in our society? How about child molestation? — or slavery? — or torture? — or kidnapping? — or murder? Of course we don’t! And as far as being an […]

Myth #12: “Veganism is a cult.”

(also heard as “You vegans are in a religion that brainwashes people”) For the record, there is no “vegan church” and there is no “vegan theology”. Veganism is a practical, ethics-based philosophy initiated by Donald Watson in 1944 – stating that veganism “is the doctrine that mankind should live without exploiting animals”.   As such, veganism […]

Myth #13: “But Hitler was a vegan.”

Aside from the fact that there is ample evidence in the historical record showing that Hitler regularly consumed animals*, it is far more important to note that it is completely irrelevant whether he did or didn’t … Just as Mahatma Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, George Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein, John Wesley, Leonardo da Vinci, Paul McCartney, […]

Myth #14: “But eating meat is part of my culture.”

(also heard as “But eating meat is a family tradition/the American Way.”) Just because something is traditional or culturally acceptable doesn’t make it Right or Good. In many African nations it is culturally acceptable & part of tradition to mutilate the genitalia of young girls … In China and other parts of Asia it is […]

Myth #15: “But eating meat is sexy/manly/macho.”

As we have evolved (and as we continue to evolve) as a social species, what is considered “sexy” or “manly” has changed (and will continue to change). I will grant that it used to be considered attractive for men to be physically powerful & verbally domineering & arrogantly sexist & even violently abusive — and […]

Myth #16: “But eating meat is healthy.”

Actually, the evidence is now overwhelming (and growing stronger with the released results of each new unbiased study) that the human body is intensely damaged by eating animals &/or consuming animal secretions. Studies linking meat & dairy consumption to significantly higher rates of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis & obesity abound and […]

Myth #17: “But I need to eat meat to get my protein.”

While protein is indeed one of the three macronutrients that humans need to maintain good health (the other two being carbohydrates & fats), almost all of the world’s humans (especially those capable of reading this article) actually eat too much protein, not too little. Especially in the United States, it has been estimated that humans […]

Myth #18: “But I’m an athlete.”

If you are an athlete — of any level in any sport, then all the more reason for you to go vegan! Indeed, many of the world’s greatest athletes* are already vegans, and many more are discovering every day the amazing benefits that a vegan diet brings to athletic performance — including greater gains in […]

Myth #19: “But I need to eat animals to get my B12.”

Actually, vitamin B-12 is not found in meat at all, but is rather produced by bacteria that happen to grow well in & on meat and other animal products. Interestingly enough, most of those people deficient in vitamin B12 are actually meat eaters — probably due to the fact that B12 tends t lose its […]

Myth #20: “But I need to eat animals to get my DHA.”

For those who don’t know, DHA is a long-chain omega-3 fat with anti-inflammatory properties that plays an important role in brain and eye function. While the common-held myth assumes that humans must get their DHA from animal flesh (primarily fish), this is actually not the case – with ample amounts of DHA being found in […]

Myth #21: “But I need to eat meat to get my iron.”

Actually, while meat-based iron (a.k.a. “heme iron”) is indeed more easily absorbed into the bloodstream, higher levels of this type of iron have been directly linked to heart attacks in humans. Plant-based sources of iron, on the other hand — sources that do not pose this health risk — are abundant*. In addition, even the […]