Day 023 … December 23rd (the Heart is a bird that ever sings)

“If I keep a green bough in my Heart, the singing bird will come.” ~ Chinese Proverb

Day 024 … December 24th (refusing to fight is the greater Victory)

“Love conquers all things; Let us yield to Love!” ~ Latin Saying Love conquers by refusing to do battle.

Day 025 … December 25th (Positivity is re-Creation)

“If you change the Way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~ Wayne Dyer Manifestation is not the alteration of Reality, but rather the unclouded perception thereof.

Day 026 … December 26th (To wake up, reach out!)

“Happy, in every sense of the word … In those places that count, Live! Reach out for Contact. It can only enrich; through Lesson or Love; through eyes or ears or touch. It is filling you up — and what you miss will come around again until that click is heard, and you go with […]

Day 027 … December 27th (Love is a delicacy)

“He who has ears, let him understand how to Hear … She who has eyes, let her understand how to See.” ~ Jesus Christ

Day 028 … December 28th (See the Beauty)

“The most Beauty-full thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” ~ Albert Einstein All that is Seen is Beauty-full.

Day 029 … December 29th (Reveal your courageous Kindness)

“Security is only truly known after divesting the self from all yearnings for safety.” ~ anonymous Caution kills Caring … Only dangerous love is Power-full.

Day 030 … December 30th (to Love is to Know)

“Enlightenment has nothing to do with what you ‘know’ … and everything to do with what you Do.” ~ anonymous

Day 031 … December 31st (today is Love’s only day)

“Life & Love are all we get, so Life & Love are all we can Give.” ~ Dan Zadra To Love IS to live … all else is death thinly veiled.

Day 032 … January 1st (embrace all strangers)

“For the truly Enlightened, there are no strangers.” ~ anonymous

Day 033 … January 2nd (to Love, listen …)

“Brave men tell the Truth. Wise men speak in analogy and puzzles. A woman holds her tongue; knowing silence will speak for her.” ~ Royksopp Love is the only Truth worth telling.