Frequently Answered Questions
Since beginning the Peace Pilgrim phase of my life in early 2004, I have been approached by many thousands of people who have asked me a number of thought-provoking questions - both about my own life and about life in general. The four links below will take you to the most common questions posed of me during this time, as well as provide links to my best attempts at answering them* ...
Common questions about Being a Peace Pilgrim ...
Common questions about (i)am's Central Message ...
Common questions about Relationship Maintenance ...
Common questions about The Meaning of Life ...
*My answers are not meant to represent "the Truth", but rather are reflections of my own personal experiences with these issues. As I frequently encourage others -- avoid taking my (or anyone else's) word for it - Go and See for yourSelf!
What is a "Peace Pilgrim"?
How do you decide where to go and how long do you stay there?
Why did you start living this way?
Why do you refuse to accept money for your services?
How do you survive as a Peace Pilgrim (i.e. what do you eat and where do you sleep)?
Do you ever get lonely?
What are some of the vows you have taken?
Isn't it dangerous living "on the streets"?
Are there times when you do not feel Peaceful?
What kinds of selfless Service do you engage for others?
What did your friends and family members think about your lifestyle?
What is your one wish for the world?
What is a "Peace Pilgrim"?
Most people are familiar with the term "pilgrim", which refers to a person who sets forth on a spiritual journey of one sort or another. A Peace Pilgrim, on the other hand, lives a bit differently. While a pilgrim travels to a particular destination over a specific period of time, a Peace Pilgrim enLivens an ideal for his/her entire lifetime. While a pilgrim walks a specific path, a Peace Pilgrim adopts a lifestyle that has no established route. While a pilgrim walks a path for his or her own Self-Awakening, a Peace Pilgrim lives for the betterment of others. While a pilgrim travels in order to make his or her own life more peaceful, a Peace Pilgrim reaches out to awaken others to the inner Peace that already resides within them. And while a pilgrim may inspire others to live a more devout life of worship, a Peace Pilgrim re-minds others to live a more intense life of service.
In essence, then, a Peace Pilgrim is a person who has chosen to dedicate his or her entire Life to inspiring others to re-member a way of living that is Peace-filled.
How do you decide where to go and how long do you stay there?
I go wherever I am invited (as long as I'm not already serving another elsewhere). And during those times when I am not asked to serve anyone in particular, I simply wake up wherever I am and set out to Do all the Good I can Do.
Once I arrive in a particular community, I choose to stay for as long as I feel that I am being of service; for as long as others seem interested in the message of radical Kindness I have to share. If I am "called" to a different region to engage another service, I only agree to do so once my current service has "run its course."
Why did you start living this way?
I think every conscious being is on a pilgrimage of sorts - their own individual journey back to re-actualizing their innate Oneness with the Universe. While I have been interested in Truth, morality and ethics for as long as I can remember, I only pursued these ideals intellectually for many years. In essence, I "knew" a lot about Right Action, but because I hadn't been courageous enough to actually practice the Truths I was mentally digesting, I didn't really comprehend their deeper implications.
One day, I simply got fed up with the meaninglessness of my efforts. For all my knowledge, I wasn't one bit happier than when I first began my research. My life felt hollow and without purpose or direction. Many of my friends kept persuading me to quit looking for life's deeper meanings; to just accept that the superficial cycle of glee and depression is "just the way life is" -- And I eventually agreed to do so, but only after deciding to actually put my values to the test. So in the summer of 2003, that's what I did -- I traveled to a place I felt to be Sacred, I made a list of personal "Core-Truths" I had read about or had been taught, and then for two years I tried my best to test them as extremely as possible. I lived for long stretches of time on no money and had no home ("The Universe will provide"), I regularly made important decisions based solely on intuitive hunch ("Have faith and you will be guided"), I was kind to those who mistreated me ("Love your enemies"), and I repeatedly gave away my most prized possessions ("It is better to give than to receive").
Very quickly during this phase of radical experimentation, it became clear that many of the platitudes that most of us still take for granted actually function exactly as they are written - with no exceptions whatsoever! And after testing them further to make sure that they were not merely coincidental, I knew that my rediscoveries needed to be shared with others.
And yet I did not know how to powerfully communicate them to others. Fortunately, shortly after deciding to "spread the word" about the incredible power of selfless kindness, I was given a copy of the book Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Her Work in Her Words (available at After reading this simple yet powerful text, I knew that I would live my life as a Peace Pilgrim, spreading the message that the unconditional and caring acceptance of others is a choice that is always available and always effective.
Why do you refuse to accept money for your services?
First of all, choosing to live without money exhibits a pure faith in both Humanity's innate goodness and the inherent abundance of the Universe. I relay to others many Truths that I have personally experienced -- among them, that their fellow humans are Good and that there is no need to live in fear; that the Universe has a vested interest in providing for those who choose to serve selflessly. Indeed, if the Cosmos were otherwise inclined, I would have perished long ago. And yet, here I am, a living testimony to the Truth that we live amongst kind people in a kind Universe.
Secondly, living without money gives others the ready opportunity to experience the Truth that giving itself is the biggest blessing. In our society, there are few easy opportunities to effectuate selfless service, and I have experienced that people really do want to give; they are merely afraid to do so. Because I have chosen to allow others to provide for my basic "needs", I give everyone I encounter an easy, safe and joyful opportunity to remember how good it feels to selflessly give to another.
Thirdly, my own acts of service are emPowered because I receive no material reward for them. When I simply do good while receiving no immediate benefit for myself, others can more readily feel inspired by these "Noble Acts" -- and are thus more likely to go forth and perform similar deeds for others.
Finally, I believe that it is simply "wrong" to sell what has been freely given to me. This pertains both to the Wisdoms with which I've been blessed, as well as to the courageous free will I have chosen to enLiven by living faith-fully as a servant of the All. Now that I understand that the greatest Inner Peace comes from serving others selflessly, how can I in good conscience accept any additional reward for the same?
*Even in those rare moments when I have taken on jobs that pay me money, my intentions remained selfless while I did so; desiring not to receive any personal benefit from my efforts, but rather intending to serve others therewith - either directly by giving those monies away to the less fortunate, or indirectly by showing others that it is possible to live a life of radical kindness even while immersed in a society that seems to demand that we "fulfill our obligations" and "support ourselves."
How do you survive as a Peace Pilgrim (i.e. what do you eat and where do you sleep)?
Basically, I eat when offered food and sleep under the stars until offered shelter. I do not beg for my "basic needs", if only because the majority of people in the west seem to not understand the Truth that the beggar is doing them the greater favor (by giving the opportunity to experience Inner Peace via selfless giving). In the beginning of my journey, when I did ask for food, I was frequently met with scorn instead of gratitude or kindness. As a consequence, I decided to simply do good for others silently and wait for them to offer me sustenance and/or shelter of their own accord.
I believe that the ease of my survival while living this way is no accident. First of all, people are innately Good. This is no longer merely a philosophical theory for me, as I have experienced the Truth of it in all regions of this country (indeed, in many countries around the world). Whether in the slums or the suburbs, everyone I've met has possessed a latent yet profound sense of altruism. Our species yearns to find Meaning in life by doing Good, and as a Peace Pilgrim, I am an easy target for the actualization of others' selfless desires.
I have also rediscovered that our mind-body "machines" need remarkably little to live well. As far as food is concerned, the "daily minimums" that our government preaches to us are completely inaccurate - at least for those of us who choose to live as selfless servants. Yes, it's seems true that most human bodies do require a certain quantity of food and water to survive. And yet, when choosing to live a life of radical Kindness, the amounts of these that one requires to be healthy and happy is incredibly small. We see evidence of this Truth whenever there is a natural disaster and aid-workers go days without food and do not experience hunger or fatigue. Fortunately, I have lived the Truth that we do not have to wait for such a tragedy to strike, but can tap into this source of emPowerment in every moment of our lives by choosing to go forth and serve others selflessly.
Do you ever get lonely?
Occasionally, but only when I am selfishly focusing on my yearnings for the more superficial comforts of "companionship". Indeed, it is impossible to feel lonely when every entity encountered is seen to be a facet of the Great Totality; when every person met is greeted as a brother or sister.
Lack of intimacy is one of the greatest social epidemics plaguing our world today, and a simple yet power-full attitude-adjustment can heal this dis-ease. We are all literally ONE, and when you choose to see every stranger accordingly -- as a Best Friend or a Soul-Mate, then loneliness becomes impotent.
What are some of the vows you have taken?
While I have no particular rules I obey or vows that bind me, Life, like Love, can only be experienced powerfully when it is completely free. That having been said, there are several guidelines I choose to regularly follow during the course of my life.
First of all, I am a full-fledged vegan, for the very simple reason that I wholeheartedly refuse to cause any other sentient being to needlessly suffer or die for my own mere convenience or comfort. I have been humbled to the point where I am intimately aware of my profound interconnectedness with all other life-forms -- especially my self-aware animal cousins, and as I do not see myself as being in any way more worthy than any of them, I choose to not intentionally cause any of them to directly or even indirectly come to harm.
Secondly, there can be no traditional romantic relationships in my Life, as Love dies to the extent that it is bound by obligations of any kind. That having been said, I do believe in monogamous partnerships and I do believe in the beauty of intimacy and Love. While I have taken no vow of celibacy, I choose to only be physically intimate with a woman* when there are no shackles of hope or self-centeredness present; when both are interested in giving to the other, as opposed to merely experiencing pleasure for themselves.
*Note that this statement is not a rejection of either homosexuals or homosexuality. Indeed, I no longer make a distinction between "gay" and "straight" people. For me, there are simply humans (men or women) who are primarily attracted to women, and there are humans (men or women) who are primarily attracted to men. I simply happen to be a member of the former group.
Finally, I live and travel mostly anonymously; using whatever name or title seems "right" at the time. My life is not about me, but rather is about the message of active, selfless caring that I share. With a fixed name or title, there develops a tendency for listeners to cling to that name - to begin to quote the "prophet" as opposed to applying his or her Truths into everyday living. Part of the message I have to share is that I am not a special person. I am simply making unusually courageous choices; choices that anyone can make in order to experience the Peace and the Joy I am currently experiencing.
Isn't it dangerous living "on the streets"?
Not at all. While "homeless" for the first two+ years of my pilgrimage, I experienced the Truth that you are never safer than when radically caring for others; that you are never stronger than when choosing to be most "vulnerable." Interestingly, this is more than a mere theory supported by "luck" or "coincidence." Both the modern-day understandings of physics and psychology show that what we fear will inevitably come to us. Conversely, as long as I keep focusing on the Wonders that allWays surround me (especially the Beauty within every human Soul I encounter), then any selfish (see "evil") beings in my vicinity literally fear the loving frequency I am emitting and look elsewhere to find their "victims."
And in those times when I do encounter confused people who try to "take advantage of" or harm me, I choose to remember that deep within them resides a "Golden Core" of Goodness. It might be masked by their aggressive behaviors, and yet I have faith that it is still there nonetheless. It is during these encounters that I am blessed with the opportunity of reminding those same individuals of the Goodness within them by responding to their aggressiveness with compassion as opposed to fear. After all, such people are simply suffering from an intense psycho-spiritual illness, and therefore just as worthy of compassion as any cancer patient.
When we respond to our "enemies" with a sense of compassion that is steeped in an awareness of our innate Interconnectedness; when we choose to care for every "trespasser" like the dis-eased brother or sister he or she is, then his or her fear-filled ego cannot function with such a caring response. These "criminals" must then either accept your Kindness and return to a state of calm, or they must flee to others who will validate their separateness with judgments of condemnation. In essence, all fear-seeking behaviors* cannot combine harmoniously with Love-based responses. When a fear-based actor encounters radical Compassion (instead of fear or anger), he or she must either adjust to that loving response or seek another "victim" elsewhere.
*including self-defense, criticism and anger
Are there times when you do not feel Peaceful?
Of course! I, like every other sentient being on this planet, have a subconscious "program" that constantly encourages me to "take care of myself" (a.k.a. the more primitive drives we all have to "survive and procreate"). Thus, my ego constantly bombards me with fears and temptations that inspire me to behave selfishly. It attempts to entrench my "sins" (self-centered actions) into addictive habits and routines that are primarily geared towards bettering my own sense of physical well-being -- often at the expense of others' happiness.
These days, instead of struggling with my ego, I choose to be thank-full for it. After all, without it none of us could have survived the intense traumas of infancy ("awakening" to the illusion of separateness is no easy task!). And yet, I also realize that my ego is no longer needed in the moment-to-moment living of my life. I understand that there is more to life than mere survival; that there is a larger, more wonder-full definition of "Success." Even though I am constantly tempted to be self-centered, I regularly remember that I have a choice in the matter; that I can choose to cease making cheap excuses for my poor behaviors (e.g. "I'm only human") and choose instead to pause and act in alignment with the inclinations of my Higher Self. This is what it means to truly be Human, and this choice wouldn't be meaning-full if my ego didn't make it so difficult for me to Do so!
What kinds of selfless Service do you engage for others?
I perform any task that I humbly believe can ease another's burdens, and thereby enable him or her to more readily re-awaken to his or her True Self (i.e. "find Peace").
Of course, this does not mean that I always say "yes" when asked to do something. If I humbly believe that fulfilling a particular request would harm someone, I do not engage it. And yet, for the most part, when asked to serve, I simply say "Yes" - grateful for the opportunity to be of assistance.
And this is actually the greatest service I can provide: relaying to others (via my actions more than my words) the Truth that the opportunity to serve another is the greatest gift anyone can ever receive. The giver in any exchange truly gets "the better end of the deal." My doing selfless good serves to remind others that they can be similarly true to their True Selves.
What do your friends and family think about your lifestyle?
One of my greatest challenges has been to simply allow my friends and family members to analyze me and my choices however they wish. While this has been difficult, it has allowed me to completely detach from their expectations of me. As a consequence, I am both truly free to Be my most power-full Self, and I can more purely Love each of them as well.
What is your one wish for the world?
Peace - Peace between all of humanity and the Earth; Peace between nations; Peace in all human relationships; Peace between humanity and all other living beings; and Peace between every person's self-centered ego and their selfless conscience within ...
What is the basic premise of (i)am's message?
What do you mean by "right intention"?
From whom did you learn your message (which books &/or teachers)?
Do you have a political affiliation?
Are you affiliated with any religion?
What is the most common criticism of your message?
Do you recommend that others live as you do?
How can I best apply (i)am teachings to my everyday Life?
What is the greatest quality that humans possess?
What is the basic premise of (i)am's message?
The primary tenant of (i)am is that our purpose is not merely to be kind, but rather to be Kind "when least inclined;" to care for others while they are treating us unfairly, to forgive others while they are harming us, and to Love others while they are being most self-centered.
Secondly, (i)am attempts to convey the Truth that our acts of service do not have to be "large" or "effective" to be Power-full; that even the smallest gesture of goodwill is potent in our current, fear-riddled society ...
And finally, (i)am hopes to illuminate the premise that "enlightenment" is not a permanent state of being to strive for and attain, but rather is a moment-to-moment privilege to repeatedly enliven. It is not an indirect mental understanding of reality, but is rather a direct and intimate experience of life known during your courageous acts of Kindness.
What do you mean by "right intention"?
There are only two possible thoughts that ground our decisions -- self-centered choices (impulses from our "reptile brain") that are instinctively fear-based, and selfless choices (decisions that must be made in our neo-cortex) that are consciously Love-based. Every action in every moment of our lives is engendered in one or the other of these intentions. All self-centered choices, however "reasonable" or "justified", allWays lead to suffering (eventually and/or immediately), while all selfless choices always bring us experiences of Inner Peace and/or Joy.* It is the latter set of decisions that (i)am believes to be founded in "right intention."
*note that "Peace" is not comfort in this context, but rather a deep-seated sense of inner calm that comes when our actions harmonize with the inclinations of our conscience. Similarly, "Joy" does not mean pleasure in its traditional sense, but is rather a deep-seated sense of Bliss that comes whenever we humbly remember our innate interconnectedness with everything around us - and then courageously act accordingly ...
From whom did you learn your message (which books &/or teachers)?
I make no claims to be sharing anything new or teaching anyone anything profound. Rather, my intention is simply to reawaken you to information that you allReady know deep within -- information you have either misplaced or chosen to forget. As far as the sources of (i)am information are concerned, everything I share with others I have learned first and foremost through personal experience. Indeed, every Truth herein has been repeatedly tested and has consistently bore the fruits of Peace and Harmony - both for myself as well as for others. While I have learned from many teachers and read many insightful books, the Wisdoms they illuminated proved only to be affirmations of an understanding of human living that I had already lived.
Do you have a political affiliation?
My intentions are completely apolitical, as politics supports a dualistic world-view (e.g. us vs. them, good vs. bad, win vs. lose) that has empirically led to either strife or stagnation. Indeed, it is impossible to effectively combat anything by opposing it, as resisting any force actually encourages it to grow stronger as it defends itself from your "attack". This is evident in Nature, in social relationships, and in politics ...
The Peace Pilgrim herself ( echoed an age-old Truth when she professed that we must "overcome evil with good, overcome hatred with love and overcome falsehood with truth." I have verified this principle in thousands upon thousands of social interactions. The only way to combat war is by actively forgiving and caring for those who perpetrate it. The only way to combat terrorism is by forgiving and caring for the suffering souls who instigate it. And the only way to correct our society's failures is by ceasing to rely on our government to "fix" them. Indeed, the only way to effectuate lasting change in any social structure is to start at "the bottom" by re-building communities with Love and fortifying them with regular doses of courageous intimacy ...
This doesn't mean that (i)am condones evil actions; merely that it chooses to recognize with compassion the confusion of those people who "perpetrate" them. It has been consistently proven for many centuries that war does not engender lasting peace; that argument does not create harmony in relationships; and that punishment does not "rehabilitate criminals." And we have proven for just as many years that there are no political solutions for problems primarily created by the dualistic bent that is inherent in all political systems. It is time to engage a new Way of Being. It is time for each of us to take full responsibility for the quality of living in our communities. It is time to give selfless caring a chance to harmonize the conflicts that our politics continues to perpetuate.
Are you affiliated with any religion?
I am not ... In varying degrees of intensity and for various lengths of time, I have immersed myself in the religions of Atheism, Buddhism, Paganism and Christianity. I did so in order to test the degrees they each brought Peace into my life and the lives of those around me. In doing so, I rediscovered the Truth that it is not the dogma of any particular religion that brings others true Peace but rather the Courage to practice the Core Principle that all the major religions have in common that does so. And that Core Principle is selfless Love ... In this sense, I do practice a religion - and that religion is radical Kindness.
What is the most common criticism of your message?
Almost all of the criticisms of my message center around its applicability - meaning that some people simply refuse to believe that forgiveness is truly effective or that loving your enemies isn't somehow "dangerous" ...
And yet, that is a big part of my Purpose: to awaken others to the Truth that forgiveness does function, that loving our enemies is not dangerous, and that kindness is the only potent means of resolving our differences. There have been a few brave men and women who have empirically shown the effectiveness of selfless Love, and yet their victories are seen by many as exceptions to the rule; as random coincidences. In fact, the only reason we don't see more evidence of the power of radical Kindness is the lack of people exhibiting the courage to extend Love and Forgiveness to others in life's more difficult moments. If they did so, they too could experience the Truth that radical Caring is powerful - always and in allWays.
Do you recommend that others live as you do?
I do not ... Even though it has brought me immense Joy and an unparalleled measure of Inner Peace, choosing to live as a Peace Pilgrim is not per se the best lifestyle for everyone. Of course, there is room in our society for many more Peace Pilgrims, and that lifestyle is one that invariably brings its practitioners Joy and Peace. I would therefore be thrilled for anyone who chose to emulate the life I have chosen to lead, and thereby experience the power and the Peace with which I have been blessed thereby. And yet, I do not recommend any particular path to others. All the Truths that I share function perfectly regardless of the Life-Path one happens to choose. From CEO to homeless "vagrant", selfless service brings pure and lasting Happiness to all those choosing to enliven it in their everyday encounters.
How can I best apply (i)am teachings to my everyday Life?
There are an infinite number of ways for you to act selflessly, and discovering which of them is best for you is a big part of the fun in life. And yet, a good way to "get started" is anonymous selflessness - simply performing small, anonymous good deeds every day. Once this re-awakens your innate knowledge of how potent selflessness is, you can "graduate" at some point to being actively kind to those you least admire and/or those who annoy or harm you the most. And remember: the more selfless your act of service, the more deep-seated Peace you will experience while performing it - and the more difficult that act, the more power-full it will become for others.
What is the greatest quality that humans possess?
The ability we all have to choose to tenderly forgive - and actively Care for - those who are harming us, while they are doing so.
How can I find true Love?
How can I establish "healthy boundaries" in my relationships?
Why should we love our enemies?
How can I best help a loved one who is suffering?
How can I better understand my partner (or friend or child)?
How can I better fulfill my obligations?
How can I find true Love?
Those who seek to attain Love for themselves, cannot succeed in doing so. To receive Love, we must desire first and foremost to give Love to another. When we yearn for a loving partner for ourselves, we can only attract the same; a partner that yearns to receive love, not give it. Thus, to be loved, we must first desire to LOVE!
How can I establish "healthy boundaries" in my relationships?
In all conflicts, there are three alternatives for resolution: we can reluctantly give in to the other (facilitating a loss of self), we can reject the other (leading to the loss of the other), OR we can remain True to our own view while continuing to Love the other anyway (especially in those moments when we deeply disagree with their beliefs &/or actions). Only this third alternative allows us to know the Bliss of true, unconditional Love.
Note that it is crucial to remove all expectations from such interactions. As long as you are hoping that the other will change or "get better", then your seemingly loving actions are nothing more than manipulations disguised as kindness - and they will be perceived as such! It is certainly fine to intend for the relationship to become more loving, and yet all attachment related to such an "improvement" must be released in favor of an unconditional Love for the other - regardless of whether or not they actually alter their behaviors as a result.
Why should we love our enemies?
The pacifism emitted when loving an "enemy" is anything but passive! As with any choice, it's not what you do, but why and how you do it that matters. All that is attacked will first attempt to defend itself; and all that is aggressively resisted will first strive to persist along its current course. Even if the force you apply to your enemy is strong enough to alter his/her behaviors, rest assured that your adversary will seek a different way to effectuate their original "evil". Can anyone truly Love another if forced to do so? By definition this is impossible - as Love must be volitional to exist. If you point a gun at another's head and tell him "be good", he might submit out of fear, and yet his subsequent "right actions" will not be Good -- they will be obedient. And he will in all probability commit another "crime" in the near future to prove to himself that he is still "powerful" ...
Thus, the only effective way to combat an "enemy" is by refusing to treat him/her as one. It only takes one person to effectuate Power-full change, especially when that one person has the Courage to behave unconventionally. Seeing as how our society continues to sink further into the miasma of retribution-based "justice", and seeing as how that paradigm has failed for over 2000 years, isn't the time ripe to try a more courageously caring approach to resolving our conflicts?
How can I best help a loved one who is suffering?
Essentially, we cannot ... The only person's life you can directly improve is your own, and striving to alter another's life (even "for the better") is destined for failure. Only the other truly knows his/her "best path" to recovery of any kind. We can humbly offer to help them help themselves, but that is all we can do. Even unsolicited advice that is "correct" is more likely to be ignored than heeded, as any judgment of another is perceived by the ego as an attack, and will be rejected as such.
Our job is not to rehabilitate others with our "wisdom", but rather to unconditionally support them with our compassion. Indeed, it is only our radical Compassion that can free others from the "fight or flight" impulse that obscures their recognition (and maybe their application) of your well-intended Wisdom. Remember that others are perfect as they already are -- even if their behaviors do not seem to reflect this Truth. Choosing to believe this and then acting accordingly (with unconditional Kindness towards them) is the only way to effectively assist their re-awakening.
Focus solely on living your own life in Peace and Happiness as opposed to judging others' lack thereof. The most powerful assistance we can give another is not telling them what they should do or silently wishing that they would change, but rather simply accepting their chosen Life-Path while simultaneously living your own life in Joy and Peace. Be radically Kind to them during your everyday living. Forgive them openly for any pains they have caused you in the past, accept them unconditionally even as they continue to suffer in the present, and respect their behaviors as the "right ones" for them. We cannot help others to help themselves without purely Loving them, and we cannot purely Love others without unconditionally affirming them as people. You do not have to affirm others' actions that you believe to be detrimental, and yet it is necessary to focus on affirming them regardless of those choices.
How can I better understand my partner (or friend or child)?
The only way to truly Understand anyone else is to unconditionally accept them as they already are. Do so by replacing all analysis and advice related to what they do "wrong" with a focused appreciation of all they do "right."
How can I better fulfill my obligations?
The only way to truly fulfill any promise is to release yourself from its bonds and then fulfill it anyway.
What is the meaning of life?
How do you know when you are acting "correctly"?
Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
Why are so many people depressed?
What is the most effective way to respond to aggression (e.g. terrorism)?
How can I experience inner peace?
What does it mean to live in the present moment?
What happens to us after we die?
Where is Heaven and how do we get there?
Describe God ...
What is it that prevents us from Living to our potential?
What is Wisdom, and how do we acquire it?
Are we truly all ONE?
How can I manifest wealth?
How can I discover my Calling?
How can I "hear" the guidance of my conscience?
What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is that we are given the opportunity in every moment of our lives to live Meaning-fully (i.e. selflessly). It is the inspiration that calls for us to continually ask, and repeatedly answer that question by courageously caring for others - especially when least inclined to do so.
How do you know when you are acting "correctly"?
Basically, in those moments when I choose to be kind to others , I am always content, while in those when I strive to fulfill personal desires or flee from my fears, I experience suffering and dis-ease. Indeed, it is literally impossible to be sad or angry or frightened while actively caring for another (Try it and see!).
Aside from experiencing this Truth through selfless acts of kindness, we can mentally "know" when we are engaging Right Action by examining the consequences of our choices. Actions that ease others' burdens and bring them Joy or Peace are "Right" -- Those that do not, are not ...
Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
Because so many of us are still choosing to forget that all of Humanity is not a composition of various cultures and tribes, but rather one, large family. If even a small percentage of us would regularly act accordingly, hunger and poverty would cease to exist.
Why are so many people depressed?
It is only possible for a person to be sad, angry or afraid when he or she is self-focused. Selfishness, then (which is always rooted in fear), is the root cause of all depression. It is truly impossible to become or remain depressed when acting selflessly for the betterment of others - Try it and See for yourSelf!
What is the most effective way to respond to aggression (e.g. terrorism)?
With forgiveness ... Those people performing "evil" actions are not themselves evil. Almost allWays, they are simply looking for the one truly important thing that is missing in their lives (and probably has been since their childhood): namely, unconditionally compassionate Acceptance from others. The only way these individuals can ever hope to re-member their own innate Kindness is to witness it firsthand, and the only way for these severely deluded people to be able to engage in that witnessing is via the forgiveness (i.e. the radically Kind actions) of their "victims".
As far as terrorism goes, it would be wiser to deliver flowers and food to these "enemies" as opposed to attacking them with their own brand of violence. Indeed, responding to violence with violence only entrenches the fear that inspired the original terrorist acts, while simultaneously encouraging all victims of that retribution to become terrorists themselves. In essence, there can be no terrorism where there is no terror. Terrorism cannot survive when its acts of violence are responded to with Love.
How can I experience inner peace?
The deepest Inner Peace is found in the deepest state of selflessness, and the deepest state of selflessness comes in those moments when you are harmed, and yet decide to forgive and actively Care for the source(s) of your discomfort anyway; when you are afraid, and yet choose to go boldly forth to Do Good anyway; when you are saddened, and yet choose to be joyfully grateful for your life anyway.
What does it mean to live in the present moment?
We can only truly live in the Here&Now when completely detached from both our past (e.g. releasing all regret, nostalgia, analysis and condemnation) and our future (e.g. releasing all our fear, worry, planning, speculation and hope). And the only method I have found that consistently grants access to the present moment is courageous selflessness -- via either the furthering of another's Joy or the easing of another's burdens.
What happens to us after we die?
Initially, it is important to remember that no one has any objective knowledge of the afterlife, and that the only guarantee any of us have is that we will all be surprised as to what it actually holds in store for us. And yet, even though I do not possess an answer of any certainty, I have lived through a few "near death experiences" and can comment a bit on death and dying in relation to what I have witnessed and experienced.
Initially, eternity truly does exist for us in every moment. And all it takes to "get there" is either a courageous decision to face a fear self-sacrificially (a.k.a. serving selflessly with Love) or a humble choice to set aside your preconceptions long enough to See the amazing in the "normal" (a.k.a. reveling in Beauty). Both of these choices "stop time" for the eternal instant that they are engaged, and thereby allow us to experience - however briefly -- a taste of the Peace of the afterlife.
Secondly, at the moment of our death, our last conscious moment is one in which we have no more living mind-body with which to measure time. As such, this "last moment" is literally perceived by our consciousness to be eternal (and is probably the one referenced by Jesus in many of his dialogues regarding death). In essence, if we have lived powerfully by regularly setting aside our personal worries in order to serve others, then this last "eternal" instant is experienced as pure Bliss (the "Kingdom of Heaven"). If, however, we have invested the majority of our energies in self-centered concerns for our own well-being (including, ironically, our worries about "the afterlife"), then this moment truly becomes "the wrath of God," when the person remembers what life is "really about" (Caring for others) and yet has no more functioning mind-body with which to do anything to fulfill that awareness.
Finally, after this "eternal instant" has passed, we do "die" and our consciousness fades -- not "away" but into the ONENESS of everything. And it is at this point that all of us have no more concrete knowledge upon which to rely. Maybe our Souls do "line up" to get back into a material body that can then re-experience the Wonders of Love. Maybe we do reincarnate into another material form after passing from our current one -- a form with challenges commensurate to this lifetime's failures to embrace the opportunity to Love selflessly (what many know as "karma"). Or maybe we simply pass into nothingness - with our current lifetime being the only chance we ever get to rediscover the bliss of unconditional Love by acting selflessly during our moments of discomfort. Who knows?
And yet what is Important is that we pause every time we are "down" and choose to be thanks-filled for life anyway; that we pause every time we are in pain and look for ways to actively relieve another's burdens; that we pause every time we are confused and simply notice the Beauty that allWays surrounds us. The more often we choose to do so, the more at Peace we will be during the moments we have before our eventual death.
Every moment spent pondering the afterlife is one moment with which we can enJoy our lives by serving others and/or reveling in life's innate Beauties. Thus, the real question in relation to our inevitable passing is this one: Why focus on death and dying while you are still alive and able to Live?
Where is Heaven and how do we get there?
You're already here ... Look around! In essence, to enter Heaven immediately, act accordingly.
Describe God ...
Look deep into your reflection in the mirror and describe God yourSelf.
What is it that prevents us from Living to our potential?
Fear, and fear alone; remembering that the only way to effectively conquer fear is to act courageously (i.e. lovingly) while you are afraid.
What is Wisdom, and how do we acquire it?
Wisdom is active, selfless love ... To gain it, Do It!
Are we truly all ONE?
Metaphysically, we are ONE -- always and in allWays. Practically, we are ONE only when we choose to act accordingly (via selfless deeds of Kindness).
How can I manifest wealth?
Whatever we pine for is not what we need, but rather that which it is time for us to release. We only experience suffering in those moments when we desire what "should be" as opposed to what already IS. The Cosmos seeks only one thing: Harmony, and it is forever guiding all its components back to that state of perfection. As long as we focus on the apparent failings of the Universe (i.e. what we "lack"), then we cannot See its innate perfection; we cannot See that we are already being given everything we need to be completely happy. As soon as we cease yearning for our own well-being and wish instead to relieve others' suffering, as soon as we realize that true Wealth is the contentment we feel while selflessly caring for those others -- then and only then can we reap the immense material side-benefits of the constant Universal Overflow.
There is a way to more effectively enable the power behind the universal Law of Attraction. In essence, if you want to have Wealth, give to others when you feel most "poor".* It is easy to give when you already have enough for yourself. On the other hand, it is difficult, and therefore incredibly Power-full, to Give when you have very little (or are tired, or are scared, or are in pain). This is why Jesus noted that "the meek shall inherit the earth." Realize that he id not say that the meek "will someday" inherit the Earth, but rather that they "shall" do so - with "shall" meaning that we can all immediately attain a complete sense of Contentment the moment we choose to be "meek;" the moment we choose to be thankful for what we already have by choosing to use the same for the betterment of others.
Note that this meekness has nothing to do with humiliation or passiveness. To the contrary, the "meek" of which Jesus spoke are those who are "downtrodden" on the material plane and yet still know their innate power as Beings of Love. These people understand that they are not here to receive superficial pleasure from life, but rather are here to give comfort to others. They actively look for, find, and engage ways to help relieve others' burdens -- especially in those times when they feel most impoverished.
Thus, when you are feeling poor, go forth and give to those in need. Rest assured that you will receive Wealth threefold. And when you are feeling sick, go forth and comfort the ill. Rest assured that you will receive Health threefold. And when you are feeling lonely, go forth and lend companionship to the lonely. Rest assured that you will receive Love threefold. I have Lived this Way and it allWays works ... So go forth in Gratitude -- not for the Blessings you will inevitably receive*, but rather for those you are allReady receiving.
*Note that it is not effective to give with the hope of activating the "Law of Abundant Attraction" for yourself. Indeed, whenever you "give" expecting any return at all you are not really giving, but are actually manipulating a "return on your investment.". In such moments, the Universe, as it allWays does, will reciprocate perfectly. If we "give" from a sense of lack in order to receive in return, the Universe will respond in kind with more issues and challenges designed to have you feel even "poorer." And this dynamic will persist until you ultimately detach from your self-centered wishes and choose instead to Live selflessly for the benefit of others.
How can I discover my Calling?
None of us ever knows for sure whether or not we are walking our "most effective path." And yet we head out the door each day with the subconscious desire to fulfill our "Life Mission"; to find our "True Purpose"; to satisfy "God's Will." And all we have to use as a bellwether for our journey are the fruits of our actions. Are we bringing Peace to others? Are we beaconing Joy to our community? Are we serving others selflessly?
Fortunately, there is no need to actively pursue opportunities that are ever-present. When asked to serve, simply say "yes" (as long as you honestly believe that your helping another will bring them more Peace). When you set our personal goals, beliefs, judgments and dreams aside, the world is allReady filled with opportunities to power-fully Love others. As such, there is no need to search for something "more important" to do. Indeed, there is nothing more important than being kind to another; than selflessly relieving one of their burdens; than forgiving an "enemy."
Much of the suffering we experience comes from our desire to "get there." And the answer thereto rests not in finding better ways to "succeed," but rather in simply accepting that where we allReady are is our summit. In every moment, we have truly already arrived. We remember that to be truly happy we only have to BE -- to BE Humble, to BE Appreciative and to BE Generous.
How can I "hear" the guidance of my conscience?
Alongside our five primary senses, there exist in every conscious being four "secondary senses." And when we listen to (and harmonize) all nine of these senses, the guidance of our conscience can be accurately accessed. Here is a brief analysis of each of your "secondary senses":
Intuitive Resonance -- the 6th Sense: Intuition refers to your ability to take the totality of information you are sensing in any given moment, transpose it upon what similar information has meant in your past experience, and thereby gain a "feel" for what the immediate future will probably bring. This is the home of the "hunch" and your "gut feelings." In addition, some theorists propose that the Universe is holographic -- meaning that any part reflects the entirety of the whole. If this is true, then this sense is actually a more concrete "knowing" of our role in the "Bigger Picture"; a knowing that allows you to feel "the best course" of action even if you do not have more tangible evidence in support of that choice.
Limbic Resonance -- the 7th Sense: Every mammal can innately sense the emotional state of Being of any other being in its immediate presence. This sense is activated regardless of whether or not we have any other tangible evidence of that state.
EM Resonance -- the 8th Sense: No matter where we are, our personal frequency (primarily an electro-magnetic emission, though other more subtle energies are co-emitted as well) is mingling with the frequencies emitted by all other entities in our vicinity. These emissions interact with them and then reflect back to us, where we interpret them to be either "harmonious" or "discordant." If most of them are harmonious, we feel a general sense of "ease." If not, we feel a deep-seated, often unexplainable sense of discomfort - a desire to be elsewhere because "something just isn't right" where we are.
Conscient Resonance -- the 9th Sense: The final sense relates to the "Moral Compass" that constantly guides us from within (the conscience). The "Heart Brain", in conjunction with your neocortex, has the capability to encourage you to behave contrary to the primal, self-centered instincts of your reptile brain. It subtly encourages to you to behave compassionately and assist the collective, as opposed to merely helping yourself.
If your have the courage to follow these more intuitive guides, you can look to the consequences of your choices and verify whether they are Right (i.e. bring others Peace) or wrong (i.e. bring others pain).